Netflix in trouble

fer real, she's seriously hot. Petite, sizeably-perfect natty cans...Mmmm
Whose hands are those? He has perfectly placed his thumb so he got real enjoyment out of that scene.

Unrelated, do any of you know of any good acting schools?
Chazz Michael Michaels. Former Gold Medalist in mens figure skating.
Netflix is fine for now but the movement of other players into their market is a problem. I am old enough to be a Netflix subscriber back in the day where they were mailing me DVD's. I told my kids that in random conversation and they were like what's a DVD? So that's where we are now.

Netflix was brilliant but and owned marketplace where you could watch whatever you wanted to without commercial interruption. Plus when they dropped new content you could watch all of it as fast as you wanted to and didn't have to wait week after week to get a new episode. Most of the major players have moved away from this and the biggest problem Netflix has is I'm saying most of the major players because for a while they were the only player and now they have serious competition. And there are a lot of players now.

I'd argue they need to out content people but they have tried that and because all of their content is new they can't beat the nostalgia factor. Disney can shoot out whatever Star Wars or Marvel garbage they want and people will pay to see it. HBO+ has a GOT spinoff coming out next month and for every Ozark Netflix finds people are going to hit up other networks who have been around forever are going to reboot shows people ate up. And people want to watch it all. I have subscriptions to every site I've listed because of the shows I've listed. Yes it is expensive but it's something I can afford and not everyone can say that. So you have people sharing subs and I can see a crackdown on it but it's impact will be limited. It's not that hard to create a dummy email account and evade detection.

If Netflix wants to improve profits their best out is to have levels of service that have You Tube style ads. The tv ads I grew up with were 2-3 minutes long and I didn't have a choice but to watch them. With YouTube I have to watch for 5 seconds and I can skip so no biggie. If you don't like it, pay $5 more per month for premium access. They are worried about keeping kids engaged but because of the DVR my kids didn't know what an ad was until they found YouTube and we couldn't jump over it. Hell, before Christmas 4 years or so ago my oldest made me stop skipping Nickelodeon commercials because they had a bunch of cool toys and he wanted to tell me what he wanted. Netflix built their business on not having ads but the kids (and I mean this literally because of my kids) wouldn't mind direct advertising because everyone else has conditioned them to it. So for marketing they would improve their model there.

To be fair part of me is bothered by suggesting a marketing model that conditions my kids to want toys and me to pay for them but I grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons and I'm fine and my parents didn't choose a super soaker for me over the electric bill so I think things would work out here.
Netflix is fine for now but the movement of other players into their market is a problem. I am old enough to be a Netflix subscriber back in the day where they were mailing me DVD's. I told my kids that in random conversation and they were like what's a DVD? So that's where we are now.

Netflix was brilliant but and owned marketplace where you could watch whatever you wanted to without commercial interruption. Plus when they dropped new content you could watch all of it as fast as you wanted to and didn't have to wait week after week to get a new episode. Most of the major players have moved away from this and the biggest problem Netflix has is I'm saying most of the major players because for a while they were the only player and now they have serious competition. And there are a lot of players now.

I'd argue they need to out content people but they have tried that and because all of their content is new they can't beat the nostalgia factor. Disney can shoot out whatever Star Wars or Marvel garbage they want and people will pay to see it. HBO+ has a GOT spinoff coming out next month and for every Ozark Netflix finds people are going to hit up other networks who have been around forever are going to reboot shows people ate up. And people want to watch it all. I have subscriptions to every site I've listed because of the shows I've listed. Yes it is expensive but it's something I can afford and not everyone can say that. So you have people sharing subs and I can see a crackdown on it but it's impact will be limited. It's not that hard to create a dummy email account and evade detection.

If Netflix wants to improve profits their best out is to have levels of service that have You Tube style ads. The tv ads I grew up with were 2-3 minutes long and I didn't have a choice but to watch them. With YouTube I have to watch for 5 seconds and I can skip so no biggie. If you don't like it, pay $5 more per month for premium access. They are worried about keeping kids engaged but because of the DVR my kids didn't know what an ad was until they found YouTube and we couldn't jump over it. Hell, before Christmas 4 years or so ago my oldest made me stop skipping Nickelodeon commercials because they had a bunch of cool toys and he wanted to tell me what he wanted. Netflix built their business on not having ads but the kids (and I mean this literally because of my kids) wouldn't mind direct advertising because everyone else has conditioned them to it. So for marketing they would improve their model there.

To be fair part of me is bothered by suggesting a marketing model that conditions my kids to want toys and me to pay for them but I grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons and I'm fine and my parents didn't choose a super soaker for me over the electric bill so I think things would work out here.
Would you repeat that middle part?
fer real, she's seriously hot. Petite, sizeably-perfect natty cans...Mmmm

You know what's funny? When my ex-wife and I played that 'Who would play me in a biopic?" game she didn't particularly like that answer when I offered it. She doesn't/didn't think that she is "ugly" or anything but I think she was honestly thinking "I don't think that is the kind of girl that he jerks off thinking about", which goes to show you how much some women know about what we really dig I guess :laugh:
Netflix has went the route of quantity over quality. They love to drag out every documentary they put out now. Here’s this 5 part series that could be done in a couple hrs
I don’t understand people who pay for Netflix every month for years on end.
my parents tell me to keep it. i watch most everything, so its not a complete waste, they do have some good stuff compared to the rest