Post what beer you're drinking right now

If you like Founders scotch ale, Dirty Bastard, you should really like Backwoods Bastard.

I've never cared for IPAs. I like reds, stouts, and scotch ales or occasional cream ale if I want something light.

I've had Backwards Bastard many times, it's a fantastic beer. Been a while though.

Made my Tree House run today. Got a case of Julius, a mixed IPA case, and a barrel aged stout.

Made my Tree House run today. Got a case of Julius, a mixed IPA case, and a barrel aged stout.
Went to BJ's Brewhouse in Little Rock yesterday and enjoyed a Jeremiah Red and a Tatonka Stout.
And speaking of Tree House, they're opening a new location next year up near Albany.

First time trying Widowmaker. Great beer.


Thought I'd try something new. Founders KBS Blueberry Barrel-aged Imperial Stout

Tree House Tree of Tranquility. Got this barleywine up there back in the spring, it's aged in madeira and sherry barrels and conditioned on pineapple and vanilla.
stopped at Twin Elephant after going to Watchung Reservation. these guys never disappoint

In Austin. Just had some Austin Beerworks Fire Eagle. Quite good.