Rest in peace, Hooters

My shop would go once every month or so on all you can eat wings Wednesday. We encouraged wives to come as well and normally three or four would show. My wife hated me going. I finally talked my wife into going and she was asked why she didn't like Hooters. "My husband ... these young beautiful girls" ... all of the jealousy trope. I spoke up, "Look at all of these beautiful servers". Everyone looked around. "Ladies, look at me. How much cash do you think to have on me to get any of these ladies to leave with me?" My wife looks at our server and says, "I withdraw my objection and offer my apologies".

Back when there was a Hawaiian Tropic restaurant in Times Square my ex-wife and her friends at work used to go there and judge the lunchtime bikini contest
Good memories. The accompanying hangovers are quickly forgotten.

Bars with a good vibe are quickly becoming ruined by young, violent dickheads. The last time I went to that place I mention, I'm sitting at the bar minding my own business and a kid who looked like he was 17 wanted to fuck around with me. Still have no idea why. Comes over and asks for a taste of my beer. I poured it on his foot and we go nose-to-nose. He stares at me for about 30 seconds and makes the right decision. He goes to sit back down and the barmaid says "hit the road, jack." My bill was a blank piece of paper that evening.

I could tell you more about that week but no one would believe it.

If you don't take that back I will fucking rip your heart out on TikTok :wink::laugh:
If you don't take that back I will fucking rip your heart out on TikTok :wink::laugh:
I remember being in Chicago in '08 for a trade show. Went back early to the room and took a nap. Woke up and instead of going into town I went down to the hotel bar. Remember years ago when some bars would serve draft beer in little small glasses? Long story short, there was a guy at least in his 70's and a Cubs game was coming on TV. After about half a dozen of those little beers, I told the very friendly barmaid "I'm going to be here a while so every time you see my beer get to half way, you have my permission to bring me another one." Once that matter was settled, me and that old guy talked baseball and drank beer til the bar was closed, then the barmaid came and sat with us and had a few. Dude was telling me amazing stories about being at Comiskey back in the 70's with Harry Carray stumbling in after Cubs day games literally carrying a 12-pack of Budweiser and sitting in the stands with everybody. He says he witnessed bodies being tossed into left field following brawls. Wild, wild times. :laugh:
Good memories. The accompanying hangovers are quickly forgotten.

Bars with a good vibe are quickly becoming ruined by young, violent dickheads. The last time I went to that place I mention, I'm sitting at the bar minding my own business and a kid who looked like he was 17 wanted to fuck around with me. Still have no idea why. Comes over and asks for a taste of my beer. I poured it on his foot and we go nose-to-nose. He stares at me for about 30 seconds and makes the right decision. He goes to sit back down and the barmaid says "hit the road, jack." My bill was a blank piece of paper that evening.

I could tell you more about that week but no one would believe it.
Four of us split rent on a 4BR oceanside house about 45 miles from the base. The community was not used to seeing navy personnel daily. Oh, us four southerners had Charlestown, RI in our back pocket. Especially at that little bar where we tipped really well and bothered nobody. One afternoon I was in there with a buddy shooting pool when a thug walked in looking for trouble. As he was coming back to the pool area, I sat my cue down and grabbed a house stick. The bartender (owner's son) cut him off at the pass and told him plainly that if me and my buddy didn't kill him with the cues, he would shoot him in the back of the head for starting shit in his bar. He later told me that as long as we didn't get out of line with others, they had our backs. I loved that bar.
Think I've only been to hooters twice and it was more recent, like 2020-2021. Was among the best wings I had in the area at the time (the local pizza places around me, while they offered hot and mild varieties, shit was breaded and not sauced, very disappointing). Prices are dumb at places now, went to velocity wings the other day $25 for 15 wings and they just tasted off. I don't know if it was the wings or the sauces, but just no bueno, i make better shit at home for a fraction of the cost.

back to hooters, they should have transitioned into femboy hooters when they had the chance.
back to hooters, they should have transitioned into femboy hooters when they had the chance.

That’s not a bad idea. They just need to take it a step further. In addition to waitresses that aren’t exactly women, all of the entrees should be made with Beyond meat. Not exactly wings served by not exactly women.

Only available on the West Coast.
Hooters has been shit for a long time. Never really cared for it, and it never seemed viable in Las Vegas.

I always felt like it was kind of a sad place where guys that had never been with a pretty girl could go and get their ego massaged.
Hooters has been shit for a long time. Never really cared for it, and it never seemed viable in Las Vegas.

I always felt like it was kind of a sad place where guys that had never been with a pretty girl could go and get their ego massaged.
I've always felt the same way about people that travel to Vegas ... :beer2::dhd:
Hooters has been shit for a long time. Never really cared for it, and it never seemed viable in Las Vegas.

I always felt like it was kind of a sad place where guys that had never been with a pretty girl could go and get their ego massaged.
“I think she likes me!”