
This was at a Goodwill store.
Ah gotcha. Well done, that was a nice find. I enjoy hitting up thrift shops and used to hit up estate sales, but haven't done either in years now. usually leave with nothing but some fun things can be uncovered.
I found one in New Orleans when I was wandering around the French Quarter that was just the coolest...but I thought if I touched any of the books, all the stacks around me would come falling down.

Sounds like the apartment of a friend of mine. Wall to wall books. A smallish tremor would bring them all down.
So, go to the library yesterday to pick up a book I ordered and they had a bunch of culls for free. Picked up 3 Lewis Grizzard books. Scored some chuckles.
Went to 2 small town Garage Sales days this am. Wound up buying 101 books total of which 5 were century old books I paid $5 per. One lot was 78 western paperbacks for less than 20 cents each.