Stop It, White People!

I think I need to go out and buy some MORE pickles and create some NEW recipes just for this thread! :dhd:
Sure you are. Happily, right?

lol, dumped for being a faggot. Bwahahahahaha
Never ceases to amaze me at how fucking stupid you are. I doubt it ever will.
You probably like sweet gherkins, you pervert.
Christian Bale Idk GIF
Nah!! I like the Vlasic Dill Pickles. Pickles = Cucumbers and I have sliced cucumbers on my salads.

What's "gross" to me is liver, sauerkraut and brussels sprouts! Blorf!! :heh:
Cucumbers are great, there is no reason to ruin them.
Didn’t u say you were happily married one day
then the next day say you live alone?

is this true, @dbldwn711 ?
LOL at the faggot ^^^^ tagging his little bitch girlfriend begging for help :rolleyes2:

Your obsession with my personal life is flattering. Apparently my business arrangements with my future ex-wife are too difficult for you to understand, but that's not surprising because you're dumber than a box of rocks.

My advice to you is, stop worrying about me and my wife and start asking yourself why everyone hates you.

that’s right. He got caught in his own web of bullshit.
I knew it. That sack of shit can’t remember his own bullshit. One day he flies a jet fighter for CIA, but in reality he plowin snow for Old Crow money. And he wonders why nobody cares if he succumbs to his AIDS infliction