the "Big Bang"

Aug 18, 2020
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$ 500.00
Milky Way
So you're telling me that one infinitesimal point existing in a "space" that didn't exist yet, to the best of our knowledge, spontaneously halved/burst/orgasmed resulting in everything we can determine exists to.....exist?

Can we tell by the travel of space-borne objects where the originating point was?

Why is everything we see apart from our little corner of the neighborhood traveling away from us at an increasing speed?

The "background cosmic radiation" they're lofting as some sort of proof of such a cataclysm, seems like a stretch at best. Are we able to determine where that is or if it is moving? Can we see results of the matter produced having an effect on the density/speed of the "cosmic background radiation" in an area that would correspond?

I have a theory. I think the Universe, as we perceive it, is part of a fucking BIG BANG machine operating in areas we cannot YET perceive. Black holes are simply potential BIG BANGS turned inside out. Everything they absorb eventually emerges in another time/space. Hawking was one of the first to theorize that Black Holes store data. They're cosmic "web crawlers", to coin a phrase from the internet. Our perceived Universe may be nothing more than a filter...its either a filter of a grander event(s), or one iteration of many.
If we could place physics on a scale of 1 to 10, we know .2 of it.

There are things we'll never understand but guessing is fun.