the correct way to enforce the mask mandate on dipshits

vapid saturday night live GIF by HULU
I think masks do fuck all end of day, but if business or government are requiring you to wear one, I get it... I'll comply... I'm not about being that big of a dickhead.

That said, this guy is a douche, and the bigger story should be about the whoman he impregnated. The fuck were you thinking letting that guy blow his load in you 5 times to get 5 kids? Someone needs to sterilize her and consider chucking a few of their kids off a nearby cliff. Yah that seems dark... I get it guys, but trust me, in the long run it's a benefit for humanity. That guy will raise a bunch of pussy loser kids that will contribute nothing to society... I'm trying to do everyone a solid here.
That guy will raise a bunch of pussy loser kids that will contribute nothing to society... I'm trying to do everyone a solid here.
I didn't even know Handi was dating anyone?
surprised donald trump GIF