Ticks - and it's no longer just Lyme Disease

Sep 15, 2020
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$ 3,154.00
Us dogs have a problem with them. I think folks in the south for sure have one up on me here. I've never had to deal with them until the last 10 years. We never had ticks up here when I was younger. Now...they are everywhere. I pulled one off my dog last week...temps got up to 40. :L I didn't know one would be alive at that temp.

Now this...

Unlike Lyme disease which can take more than 12 hours to transfer from tick to human, the Deer Tick Virus can be transferred within 15 minutes of a tick bite. The virus can cause encephalitis or meningitis and result in hospitalization. The death rate of this virus is about 12 percent in people with the severe form of the disease.
I've relied on dressing properly in the past, but they have taken over so like the article said, I still get a few a year.

I'm going to start using repellents as well.
This is why it's good to keep possums alive and happy on your land. They eat the fuck out of ticks, and they don't carry rabies. Guinea fowl will clear their territory of pretty well all bugs including ticks, but they are obnoxiously loud. Ticks are the most useless animal on the planet.
Was out cleaning some saplings out of my hayfield Monday and picked my first tick of the year off my arm later that evening.

Just the one, but they're out around here.
You know, there used to be a vaccine for Lyme Disease......

Run Away GIF
We don't seem to have ticks around here. Nobody gets Lyme disease. I'm guessing there are so many birds and little lizards, they all get eaten.

So, if you have ticks you prolly don't have enough birds. If you don't have enough birds, you probably have too many cats around. If you have a lot of unleashed cats, you prolly have libtards in abundance.

So, you need to get rid of the libs to fix the problemo.
Floridians like juice should commit suicide. He sucks more than all ticks combined.