Tourney Tuesday

Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
$ 1,000.00
Play-in games start today
Busy day after work as well. Taking Lil W to dance, have to pick up township building key, & then township club meeting. Wife has to take Bossy to softball & then stay for a meeting about Bossy & Dodger's school trip to Columbus.

I have my fantasy baseball draft tonight...I am not ready.

my 3 keepers are Soto, Judge, and Riley
But do the play in games actually count as tournament games? If so, how far has any of those teams made it before exiting?

I like a bit of Trivia.
I believe VCU who made it to the final four. At least that is the team that stands out in my memory
But do the play in games actually count as tournament games? If so, how far has any of those teams made it before exiting?

I like a bit of Trivia.
Who decided that 64 teams are not enough, we need 68?
reviewing comments from the editor and legal all morning, get near the end....

boss not sure if it's the right version.
Bahaha, the bitch in closing fucked up the loan she was pissy at me about. She complained she had to look for things and made a big deal. Loan officer called me to let me know that bitch fucked up her closing docs. Had things for a house and wrong lien position. It's a bare lot loan & nothing being built on it.
Bahaha, the bitch in closing fucked up the loan she was pissy at me about. She complained she had to look for things and made a big deal. Loan officer called me to let me know that bitch fucked up her closing docs. Had things for a house and wrong lien position. It's a bare lot loan & nothing being built on it.
I'm sure everyone will be watching exciting butler/gophers 4/5 NIT match up tonight

it's on the ocho

Morning all, at the office today, it's overrated. Going to have lunch, finish up one thing, and head back and finish the day up from home
I'm sure everyone will be watching exciting butler/gophers 4/5 NIT match up tonight

it's on the ocho

Morning all, at the office today, it's overrated. Going to have lunch, finish up one thing, and head back and finish the day up from home
@ill is that you?
I am in my office.

my plants needed to be watered
I have a Chia Pet I need to get started to spruce up the office

I thought about getting a betta fish or something, but decided against it
I almost missed out on free water ice and ice cream because OP didn't say it was the first day of spring. Crisis thankfully averted, though.
I almost missed out on free water ice and ice cream because OP didn't say it was the first day of spring. Crisis thankfully averted, though.
I gave up ice cream for Lent