tReal Official Night Shift v67 powered by BitVCash and Spontaneous Dance Parties

Yep. Mama was too young, though. My daughter and her boyfriend basically rescued them. Mama is going with the boyfriend, Orange cat is now my daughter's

Forgive me if I'm telling you stuff you already know -
I'd get them in to see the Vet asap - not because anything seems terribly wrong with them, but their eyes make it seem like they may have li'l kitty colds (aka URI - Upper Respiratory Infection, which isn't really a big deal), and it's always good to make sure they don't need deworming, or anything else (the deworming is just a pill - and some extra stinky poop for a few days).
Congrats on the new kitty. Do you know it it's a boy or a girl, and does it have a name, yet?

Orange kitties tend to have great personalities, and torties (the mama) and calicos are my favorites.
Forgive me if I'm telling you stuff you already know -
I'd get them in to see the Vet asap - not because anything seems terribly wrong with them, but their eyes make it seem like they may have li'l kitty colds (aka URI - Upper Respiratory Infection, which isn't really a big deal), and it's always good to make sure they don't need deworming, or anything else (the deworming is just a pill - and some extra stinky poop for a few days).
Congrats on the new kitty. Do you know it it's a boy or a girl, and does it have a name, yet?

Orange kitties tend to have great personalities, and torties (the mama) and calicos are my favorites.
Yes, thanks, they def have an infection, we've been cleaning the baby's eyes. Going to see the vet tomorrow.

No names yet, even though I've been throwing out some gems. She's exceptionally sweet and the baby is very playful
Yes, thanks, they def have an infection, we've been cleaning the baby's eyes. Going to see the vet tomorrow.

No names yet, even though I've been throwing out some gems. She's exceptionally sweet and the baby is very playful
Some good advice... DON'T leave your rice uncovered! :heh:

Damn. I’m really @huskers1217 ing my vBets the last couple days
Lebron James Reaction GIF
So nobody's gonna say shit about that goddamned thumbnail, eh?

What? What's wrong with my thumb nail? You should see the other one, I use it for pickin'
The internet has proven that cat videos will suffice.