Tripling Is Getting Ridiculous

fours and fives even...
Reyes Magos Halloween GIF by Zombipaella
True dat.
True dat.
True dat.

This message has been brought to you by the Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder Association of America.
True dat.
True dat.
True dat.

This message has been brought to you by the Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder Association of America.
In conjunction with the Agency for Redundancies Department.
Don't you mean the Department of Redundancy Department?
No. They were closed for being redundant. They were also closed for being duplicative.
For those repeating the same word in rapid three times....

I believe what you are describing is called epizeuxis, and not tripling.

Trump Words GIF by moodman
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This is all Pat Riley's fault for creating the term Threepeat way back in 1989.