What’s Going On With Kickers In The NFL?

The field goal percentage for all teams in Week 1 was just 71.6 percent, the lowest leaguewide field goal success rate in at least 20 years,2 according to data from ESPN’s Stats & Information Group. It was also the 9th-worst kicking performance across all weeks since 2001. Of the eight weeks with a lower leaguewide field goal percentage, just one occurred in the past 15 years.3

What’s happening here? The average length of the 67 attempts in Week 1 wasn’t significantly different from past years, at 38.2 yards per attempt, so the poor results can’t be explained by longer attempts.4 Wind also can’t explain the difference: The windiest Week 15 of the past 20 years was in 2001, according to ESPN Stats & Info, and the league converted 80 percent of its 55 attempts that year, with an average attempt distance of 37 yards.