Which series did you want to finish, but could never get into?

Aug 18, 2020
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$ 167.00
What series have you tried to get into because they were recommended, but just couldn't finish or really even get started?

For me, the Wheel of Time. I know it's one of the all time great epic fantasies, which is my go to genre, but for some reason, I can't get passed the first half of book one. I'm going to try to watch the TV series to see if that jump starts my interest.
What series have you tried to get into because they were recommended, but just couldn't finish or really even get started?

For me, the Wheel of Time. I know it's one of the all time great epic fantasies, which is my go to genre, but for some reason, I can't get passed the first half of book one. I'm going to try to watch the TV series to see if that jump starts my interest.

That TV series is complete ass.

I know people that love the books and hate the series. If you like it, you'll have to call your parents and tell them you're gay.
That TV series is complete ass.

I know people that love the books and hate the series. If you like it, you'll have to call your parents and tell them you're gay.

I guess I would need to tell my wife and kids first though.

I get it, most people that have read the books hate the film adaption (TV or movie). However, there are those that would have never read the books if not being introduced through the adoptions first.

I've tried a few times to get through the first book in the Wheel of Time series, and will likely try again just because it's well received by many and should be right up my alley.

Knowing that the fans of the series also lament several books in the middle of the series and feel they're just something you have to push through makes me wonder if it's worth it to slog through.
I guess I would need to tell my wife and kids first though.

I get it, most people that have read the books hate the film adaption (TV or movie). However, there are those that would have never read the books if not being introduced through the adoptions first.

I've tried a few times to get through the first book in the Wheel of Time series, and will likely try again just because it's well received by many and should be right up my alley.

Knowing that the fans of the series also lament several books in the middle of the series and feel they're just something you have to push through makes me wonder if it's worth it to slog through.
My advice is, don't finish that first book. There are 13 more and about 7 or 8 of those just do not advance the story at all. But once you get past book 4, you will be hooked and no going back.

The series is mashing up about 5 or 6 of the first books. It's fine for what it is, but it's nowhere close to the order of the written material. A lot of that, I get, because television is so much different from books. You have to make changes for the visual presentation.

If you watch the Prime series all the way to the end, and then you decide you want to go back and compare the books to the series, you might be better off.
I'm real stubborn, I almost never stop reading a book or series. Something has to really draw me in first, but once it does I won't stop.
I finished it a few months ago on audiobook.

First 5-6 books are great though I will admit book 1 is hard about 1/3 - 2/3 through. After that the series is great to end of book 6.

Books 7-10 or so is where nothing seems to get done and is commonly referred to as The Slog. There are a few moments of greatness with countless chapters of total boring. I had to switch to audiobook here to make it through.

Last 3-4 books are on fire, total blast.
Falcon's Crest
Remington Steele
The Fall Guy
Knot's Landing
Black Mirror
What series have you tried to get into because they were recommended, but just couldn't finish or really even get started?

For me, the Wheel of Time. I know it's one of the all time great epic fantasies, which is my go to genre, but for some reason, I can't get passed the first half of book one. I'm going to try to watch the TV series to see if that jump starts my interest.

Personally I wouldn't bother, but that is up to you. Pretty much 90% of the female characters are carbon copies, with slightly different hair colors. And any chick from the brown ajah will have an ink smudge on her face. Red ajah will be dikes that hate men. Grey ajah will try to negotiate and fail every single time. Green ajah are promiscuous. The women that aren't Aes Sedai will generally be among the same basic 5 personality types. And all guys will be afraid when women get mad and cross their arms across their chest. It is known.
So I have an odd one.... I tried to get into the Reacher book series. I thought the first book was pretty cheesy with a lot of really stupid plot points, but I decided to push through the second one. That one I got to the end and it was just so stupid, I had to drop the series.
For those that don't know, Reacher is an ex army investigator, about 6'5, built like a tank and with blonde hair. So when they decided to make a movie, they naturally chose....Tom Cruise....um what? Needless to say, I didn't bother seeing that one.

On the other hand, I'm watching the series on Prime and I really enjoy it. Sure it's a bit hokey and takes a lot of liberties, but it's a good watch if you don't take it too seriously. First season was good, and based on the first book. Second season is not based on the second book (or at least the one I read). So far it's entertaining if nothing else.
The Dark Tower

I tried reading this when I was younger and I was just...confused. I think it was just a bit over my head. I went back and listened to the first book last year and am making an attempt to read more of the series but it just hasn't happened yet.