Women Can’t Locate Their Vaginas

Don't even want to think about how fat they must be.
tv show what GIF by Real housewives of Atlanta
Yup I believe it, any women who challenge it need to provide picture proof
8 posts in, and no one has yet suggested the “roll-em-around-in-flour-and-look-for-the-wet-spot” method, purportedly used on fat chicks? Hi-Yaa.
8 posts in, and no one has yet suggested the “roll-em-around-in-flour-and-look-for-the-wet-spot” method, purportedly used on fat chicks? Hi-Yaa.
Don't make the mistake of grabbing the sugar instead. It chafes.
So almost half of the women out there can't identify their vagina, but 100% of the women out there know its special????