Post Here If You Are Rooting For The Chiefs

One thing he is super strict about is no flash photos during his concerts. Apparently he is prone to seizures and will have people thrown the fuck out if the start popping pictures.
Meh. That doesn't bother me in the slightest. Even he doesn't have seizures.

I'd prefer fans to be engaged in the moment instead of pointing a phone at me in an effort to take a shitty quality video.

I see that as way different from pissing down your leg because your name is one letter off of a guy's who is a lot more famous than you.
Actually Follow the Lights EP is my favorite of his...I forgot. I kinda stopped paying too much attention to him after Cold Roses, I believe? No Easy Tiger is the last one I own.

Not a bad song on this album...

I don't dislike the cover, but I don't like it either.

I recently heard this AiC cover and like it much better:

After he was accused of grooming a 13 year old er some shit
disgusted colin farrell GIF
Meh. That doesn't bother me in the slightest. Even he doesn't have seizures.

I'd prefer fans to be engaged in the moment instead of pointing a phone at me in an effort to take a shitty quality video.

I see that as way different from pissing down your leg because your name is one letter off of a guy's who is a lot more famous than you.
He's a known drama queen tho. Thinks quite highly of himself apparently.

Also there's the grooming stuff, which isn't ideal.
@beardown07, you're losing your "street cred" with all this "fairy music" you're indulging in here. Pretty soon you're gonna start admitting you think the dudes from N'Sync are cute.
I don't dislike the cover, but I don't like it either.

I recently heard this AiC cover and like it much better:

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

I like the song nutshell better in general tho.
@beardown07, you're losing your "street cred" with all this "fairy music" you're indulging in here. Pretty soon you're gonna start admitting you think the dudes from N'Sync are cute.
I like good country music. Nothing wrong with Adams.

We can't all love wannabe nu metal. :biggrin:
Did you at least get your daughter into some good music, too? And did you buy her some f'n headphones?
Her favorite bands are TSwift, Faith No More, Clutch, the Pixies and Radkey.

She wears this shirt on the reg...

The dog's sweater says, "Goddamn right I'm a service dog." :laugh:

She'll be alright.:wink:
No headphones yet, but prolly a good idea.

Was thinking of getting her a cheap turntable, so she'll leave mine the fuck alone.
When the Chiefs lose they will blame it on Taylor. They will claim she was a distraction that negatively affected the outcome of their championship run.
Golden Globes Reaction GIF by IMDb
You should have played the ultimate dad prank and gotten her the vinyl of Ryan Adams completely covering 1989 (which I have to admit, I actually like quite a bit).
I read your post too quickly and had to re-read it again...thought you wrote "Bryan Adams" at first :laugh:
After he was accused of grooming a 13 year old er some shit, I guess I just lost a little interest.

Super talented songwriter and singer tho.

Yeah, and he definitely had a weird thing with Phoebe Bridgers too. Generally a complete dickhead.

But, I'm in the same boat. Don't like him as a person, but can't help but like a lot of his music.
Still rooting for KC. I can’t root for anything California
Still rooting for KC. I can’t root for anything California

I'm conflicted a little. I generally like the Chiefs as a team and Andy Reid as a coach and dude...but they're getting close to the Warriors territory where i just start rooting for whoever they're playing because i get tired of the same team always winning.

San Fran is fun and i love their offensive scheme, but I also wouldn't hate seeing Shanahan's smug face getting slapped with an L.
I'm conflicted a little. I generally like the Chiefs as a team and Andy Reid as a coach and dude...but they're getting close to the Warriors territory where i just start rooting for whoever they're playing because i get tired of the same team always winning.

San Fran is fun and i love their offensive scheme, but I also wouldn't hate seeing Shanahan's smug face getting slapped with an L.

I guess that's just a long winded way of saying "I just hope both teams have fun"
No headphones yet, but prolly a good idea.

Was thinking of getting her a cheap turntable, so she'll leave mine the fuck alone.
You got a fancy turntable, too?

I spent 10 grand on vinyl storage furniture couple years ago. From this place.

You got a fancy turntable, too?

I spent 10 grand on vinyl storage furniture couple years ago. From this place.

Nothing too special about mine, but she's a digitard, and anything outside that, she's like a bull in a china cabinet on Quaaludes. Slow mo destructo.

My record collection is nothing too special either. I have, at one time or another owned some great OG prints, but was also an incredible dumbass for periods, as well. My Pops has got an awesome collection that is all I've staked claim to. 🤞🤞