the lol @ Tim Anderson thread

Aug 17, 2020
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dude called himself today's Jackie Robinson back in 2019, but if you make fun of him for it you're a racist:

Donaldson, who is white, said the "Jackie" comment was in reference to a 2019 interview with Sports Illustrated in which Anderson described himself as feeling like "today's Jackie Robinson" in how he's "getting to a point where I need to change the game."

He made a racist comment, Donaldson, and that's all I'm going to say. That's as strong as it gets," La Russa said.

Asked if he agreed with La Russa, Anderson said, "Same. Same. Along that same line.

As much as I think Donaldson is a douche who choked in the 2019 NLDS, Anderson needs to get the fuck over it. Don't call yourself something if you're gonna be a crybaby when another player calls you the same thing.
I swear to God, if Donaldson receives any punishment for this, I'm done with MLB.

Amen, he can refer to himself as Jackie but not you whitey!!
I wonder if Jackie Bradley Jr. is gonna have to legally change his name?
Anderson is a punk ass bitch. Hell, even yadier molina thinks he should simmer down a bit
dude called himself today's Jackie Robinson back in 2019, but if you make fun of him for it you're a racist:

As much as I think Donaldson is a douche who choked in the 2019 NLDS, Anderson needs to get the fuck over it. Don't call yourself something if you're gonna be a crybaby when another player calls you the same thing.
Agreed, Donaldson IS a douche. But then lets examine the other two in this triangle of stupid. LaRussa and Anderson

LaRussa can fuck the fuck off right now
Has Donaldson been given the Pate Rose treatment yet? I mean, he should have got it when he threatened to pull a Mike Fiers and rat on pitchers for using foreign substances, but still
That's a rumor that Anderson called Donaldson "Ty" so I feel like we're even now.
Has Donaldson been given the Pate Rose treatment yet? I mean, he should have got it when he threatened to pull a Mike Fiers and rat on pitchers for using foreign substances, but still
Normally I would say fuck Pete Rose because he was well aware of the one thing that would derail him but I just got done watching a show on MLB Network about betting odds for everything you can imagine tonight.

I do hate hypocrisy.

Also, fuck Pete Rose.
"In addition, Mr. Donaldson's remark was a contributing factor in a bench-clearing incident between the teams, and warrants discipline."

So Grandal literally starting the bench-clearing incident does not warrant discipline? Makes sense.
MLB better be careful here. Get woke, go broke.
MLB better be careful here. Get woke, go broke.
Especially with a lot of fans on the fence right now as it is with all the changes they are making to the game.

I find myself quick to bail on games recently. My team playing like shit certainly is a driving factor in that, but the DH, expanded playoffs and a president/GM that appears to make it their goal to not allow any emotional connection between fans and players all play roles in my disinterest as well.

Things like this do not help.