tOfficial Night Shift Thread v59 - Now with less Reluctant Leaders

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Some from column A,some from column B
So, the couple of million dollars question:

Did they do a good job with the remodel, or was it one of those ... it looks fine at first glance, but scratch the surface and you can tell they half-assed a lot of things?
I remember when I was shopping for my current house, I went to see a house that had been taken down to the studs and redone. At first, it looked pretty good. Then I started noticing little things like door were hung correctly ... were just slightly askew, bits of screws were sticking out here and there, and I thought, shit, if they didn't take more care on the things people who look ... not even that carefully can see, what the hell did they do with the things that can't be easily seen?
Oh, and that stove is ... why did they fuck up what looks like a pretty nice kitchen?
ordered me an air fryer

fuck you and your ghey ass costco hotdogs @Dole ver 2.0
fuck you and your ghey ass costco hotdogs @Dole ver 2.0

Don't go giving him ideas, man!

Headline to read:

"Seattle area man found hunched over underneath table in Costco cafeteria, shoving wieners in his asshole. Kept muttering, hold the onions."
Mom still looks more masculine than the 2 of them

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