I thought we had a "fuck Bikers" thread.

What's with the cyclistphobia!? We need more bicycle messengers! It will cut down on our carbon footprint and stop global warming!

Anybody remember this movie?

cyclists right bicycles

bikers ride motorcycles
Yeah, I have to admit, when I saw the thread title, I thought it was going to be about these guys:

Remember, YOU'RE the bad guy because that biker who blew a stop sign going the wrong way down a one way almost hit you.

Same with when they're (illegally) biking on the sidewalk with their nose glued to their phone.
Motorcycles can go over the speed limit. They’re infinitely better than bicycles.
fuck some of them too

the assholes who drive between lanes are the worst
Yeah, or the dildos doing wheelies on the freeways. Fuck those guys.
there are certainly cyclists who are assholes too...

but those who are abiding by the rules of the road, I can't fault them for it.
They’re really only putting themselves in danger.
That's absolutely false.

They wreck, the bike goes flipping around, cars immediately hit brakes and take evasive actions. At 70mph on crowded freeways, they're putting a lot of folks in danger. Fuck them.
That's absolutely false.

They wreck, the bike goes flipping around, cars immediately hit brakes and take evasive actions. At 70mph on crowded freeways, they're putting a lot of folks in danger. Fuck them.
Ok, grandpa