Can bookie cash be redeemed for anything?

Wonder why nobody told @droider about the place with the 1:1 trade in for cash???
I’ve already made $37,000 on this site, and @gobigred keeps giving me another 1000 bookie cash every time I get to zero.

not sure how long @HammerDown can keep this up, but I’m liking it.
Wait, wut? He thought this was vCash? Straight cash, homey!
minnesota vikings nfl GIF
i would bet all the time if the e-cash had any value to it. and so would tons of other people. are you really going to pretend that this is not a logical question? and more importantly, a great way to grow and monetize the site (think ad revenue)? common man, think!
a.) If it's that easy, someone would have done it by now.
b.) Ad revenue killed tHoop.
c.) We're doing this for fun.
$100,000 vcash let's you become a moderator of the Hunting and Fishing forum.
E-hookers and E-drugs.
Hey man just go to the xhamster site and redeem your vcash
Is this a real thread?
i would bet all the time if the e-cash had any value to it. and so would tons of other people. are you really going to pretend that this is not a logical question? and more importantly, a great way to grow and monetize the site (think ad revenue)? common man, think!
You can’t expect something like that all for free. There are plenty of Sites that offer real betting and some are even legal. But unless there is a way for people to deposit money on this site, it’s ridiculous to expect someone to give prizes for accumulated fake money when none is coming in from folks betting.
what the hell's the point in having a bookie feature if you can't use the e-cash to redeem it for anything? :meh:

even if you make the redeemable items super cheap (like a $20 giftcard to Papa Johns or whatever) and e-cash expensive to redeem, at least do something with it.

Because it's a free site? Lol
Gather a cool million and I’ll fist you.