Colonoscopy - Just Do It

Aug 17, 2020
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$ 10,500.00
Here is the deal if you are between the ages 45 to 50 then it's time to put the big boy britches on and go get a colonoscopy. Why? Well because it has the potential to save your life and it's not that big of a deal. I had my first this year and I had put it off for several years but my wife wouldn't quit riding me about it and my doctor finally told me it wasn't an option, so I did it.

Well, they found 6 polyps and one of them was precancerous so it was a dang good thing I did it. How serious was the precancerous one? Now, I've got to get another one in a year to see if it comes back so it's a concern. The doctor said I came at the right time because if I had gone a couple of more years I very well could have had cancer and had to deal with everything that comes with it.

I consider myself lucky (even though my butt is going to get probed yearly for the next couple of years) and I'm glad I did it. If you haven't done then just bite the bullet and go do it because it so much easier to take care of an issue in the early stages then it is to wait and deal with full-blown cancer. I don't have a history of cancer in my family and I don't have any kind of colon problems in my family either so I thought it was a big waste of time. I was wrong so whatever excuse you have for not doing it forget that and just do it.

Be healthy.
Season 9 Smh GIF by The Office
Had one two years ago, don’t get what all the bitching about them is. The worst part about the whole thing was the (second) nurse having to poke me six fucking times to put the IV in.

And the shitting five times in the middle of the night during prep.
Had one two years ago, don’t get what all the bitching about them is. The worst part about the whole thing was the (second) nurse having to poke me six fucking times to put the IV in.

And the shitting five times in the middle of the night during prep.

the whole prep thing. why can't they make something that tastes like a IPA

my brother in law is 42. Going in for 10 HOUR surgery next week for colon cancer. They are taking out all his organs and freezing him to 34 degrees to cut all of his cancer out and put in radiation type liquid at 104 degrees. With this surgery, he will have an 11% chance to live another 5 years and see his daughters graduate high school. Without it, he might not see Christmas.
my brother in law is 42. Going in for 10 HOUR surgery next week for colon cancer. They are taking out all his organs and freezing him to 34 degrees to cut all of his cancer out and put in radiation type liquid at 104 degrees. With this surgery, he will have an 11% chance to live another 5 years and see his daughters graduate high school. Without it, he might not see Christmas.
That sounds absolutely awful. I'm sorry to hear that.
This is why I wasn't fucking around with getting one in my early 30s. Shit is happening more and more to younger people with all the GMOs and shit food we're eating.

yep. I had a scare right before COVID. Had one scheduled late March 2020 and they doctor cancelled on me because of Covid. Found some rinky dink surgery center that was actually still doing them. Thankfully, i was clean. but I get them yearly now that I'm in my late 40's.
This is why I just flat out don’t go the doctor
Here is the deal it cost you basically a day to do it but literally can potentially save you 50 years.

That’s an incredible return on your investment of time.

Just do it.
Here is the deal it cost you basically a day to do it but literally can potentially save you 50 years.

That’s an incredible return on your investment of time.

Just do it.

Also $2,000 if you're young...
Here is the deal it cost you basically a day to do it but literally can potentially save you 50 years.

That’s an incredible return on your investment of time.

Just do it.
I’m only 31 and I have it on good authority that cancer can’t survive in a liquor rich environment.

I haven’t grown out of my 10 feet tall and bullet proof phase
I wasn't given anything prescribed. They literally had me drink (I think) two bottles of Miralax mixed in I think 3-4 32 oz powerades.
Had mine earlier this year, they prescribed some pills for me to take, had to take like 6-8 at one time, then a few hours later the other 6-8, each time will about 2 glasses of water.
Had mine earlier this year, they prescribed some pills for me to take, had to take like 6-8 at one time, then a few hours later the other 6-8, each time will about 2 glasses of water.
I was stoked that I could just pound powerade. I thought it was going to be some gross medical grade drink.

The timing of it was pretty magical too, but caused me the most anxiety.

Shit like every 1-2 hours during the night. Then in the morning had my last shit like 2 hours before the exam. Thought I was due to just rip it on camera.
Also $2,000 if you're young...
1. That’s not helpful and it potentially will cause someone to not do it.

2. It’s not necessarily true because everyone’s health insurance is different. I think I had like a $150 co-pay.

Just do it.