Colonoscopy - Just Do It

1. That’s not helpful and it potentially will cause someone to not do it.

2. It’s not necessarily true because everyone’s health insurance is different. I think I had like a $150 co-pay.

Just do it.
Honesty is helpful too.

And you're someone who is young, my insurance covered a LOT more than normal...
my brother in law is 42. Going in for 10 HOUR surgery next week for colon cancer. They are taking out all his organs and freezing him to 34 degrees to cut all of his cancer out and put in radiation type liquid at 104 degrees. With this surgery, he will have an 11% chance to live another 5 years and see his daughters graduate high school. Without it, he might not see Christmas.
very sorry to hear this, brother. i pray for the best outcome possible for him.
i just turned 41 Sunday before last. So this type of thing is right around the corner for me. But I've been thinking about maybe pranking the doctor/staff on my very first time. Like, instead of following the directions they give me for cleaning myself out, maybe I just eat a huge meal, or multiple huge meals the day before, DON'T take the miralax or whatever it is they give me, and when it's time to knock me out and put the camera up my ass, they see a big ol' honkin' meaty chud sitting right there in my colon...maybe i can maintain enough consciousness so i can push it out right there on the spot? think this might get a laugh out of them?
I’m supposed to schedule mine. No concerns, just lazy.
Here is the deal if you are between the ages 45 to 50 then it's time to put the big boy britches on and go get a colonoscopy. Why? Well because it has the potential to save your life and it's not that big of a deal. I had my first this year and I had put it off for several years but my wife wouldn't quit riding me about it and my doctor finally told me it wasn't an option, so I did it.

Well, they found 6 polyps and one of them was precancerous so it was a dang good thing I did it. How serious was the precancerous one? Now, I've got to get another one in a year to see if it comes back so it's a concern. The doctor said I came at the right time because if I had gone a couple of more years I very well could have had cancer and had to deal with everything that comes with it.

I consider myself lucky (even though my butt is going to get probed yearly for the next couple of years) and I'm glad I did it. If you haven't done then just bite the bullet and go do it because it so much easier to take care of an issue in the early stages then it is to wait and deal with full-blown cancer. I don't have a history of cancer in my family and I don't have any kind of colon problems in my family either so I thought it was a big waste of time. I was wrong so whatever excuse you have for not doing it forget that and just do it.

Be healthy.
Happy you found out about this early. Hopefully no further issues
Happy you found out about this early. Hopefully no further issues
The doctor wasn't really concerned at this point its a yearly thing I have to do now and if something happens they will find it super early and that is much easier to deal with. I'm not losing sleep over my own situation but I am concerned about my friends because I keep telling people to go get one and most aren't even remotely interested. Statistically one of my buddies is going to have a serious issue and I hate that.
My problem with colonoscopies is that the "prep" is worse than the procedure itself. :twitch:

And I'm due for another one soon... :sigh:
I have a niece in hospice care right now due to colon and spine cancer. Had a SIL that died from it. It ain't even a question in my family.
My problem with colonoscopies is that the "prep" is worse than the procedure itself. :twitch:

And I'm due for another one soon... :sigh:
You’ve got this!

I’d say we got your back but in the case we are going to stand in front.
I have a niece in hospice care right now due to colon and spine damage. Had a SIL that died from it. It ain't even a question in my family.
Nor should it be in any family.

Everyone just has to man up because it is critically important.

Peace and healing for your family.
My prep story:

Evidently I’m allergic to the stool softener and as soon as I had drank the prep I started itching and getting hives. I couldn’t find any Benadryl so I ran to he store real quick.

Mistake - I had to floor it to get home because that prep kicked in and I barely made it to the toilet. I came super close to having to have my car detailed.