FAPPY Friday

How is Slink Jr doing with the season?
He's played well. He's not a star, but he's a solid player and he works hard.

His team started off shit, but has turned the corner recently.

I hate to complain about it, because I don't want to sound like I don't support him, it's just a massive time commitment that my whole family deals with. Every weekend.

I read both @Peter Gozintite 's and @BadMotoWeazal 's posts with envy. I wish I had some weekends to do nothing or work my ass off around the house.
Now just bear in mind the weather may be slightly different in Buffalo versus where you are. It's ok that happens

Right @ill ?

The climate changes. ☀️ 🌧️ ❄️ 💨

I learned that from watching the 5th Element.
That’s the big downside of being handy. Other people are always wanting your help. Hopefully they paid you and didn’t just throw beer at you.
Yeah, you’re right about that, but I did finance my deck extension and remodel and the paint needed to paint my windows doors. I also let my side job pay for my new master bedroom window and a new walk-in garage door.
He's played well. He's not a star, but he's a solid player and he works hard.

His team started off shit, but has turned the corner recently.

I hate to complain about it, because I don't want to sound like I don't support him, it's just a massive time commitment that my whole family deals with. Every weekend.

I read both @Peter Gozintite 's and @BadMotoWeazal 's posts with envy. I wish I had some weekends to do nothing or work my ass off around the house.
Thanks buddy, I know neither Pete or I shot out of the womb being handyman. It took a lot of time patience and money. you know because when you fuck something up you pay double! LOL
He's played well. He's not a star, but he's a solid player and he works hard.

His team started off shit, but has turned the corner recently.

I hate to complain about it, because I don't want to sound like I don't support him, it's just a massive time commitment that my whole family deals with. Every weekend.

I read both @Peter Gozintite 's and @BadMotoWeazal 's posts with envy. I wish I had some weekends to do nothing or work my ass off around the house.
It is a busy time, but someday you will miss it as I am sure you already know.

*Also, as we discussed earlier, I do think its time to ink this NIL deal with Slink Jr that I am offering. I think he would make a great endorsement for Chicken's Bail Bonds and we are willing to pay handsomely in Arby's coupons.
...not sure you fully understood The Fifth Element if that's what you learned...

There was weather involved. I remember that.
fiance is doing wedding dress shopping in DC this weekend. Her mom, sister, nieces are coming down for it.

my mom and sister are coming down tomorrow and meeting her family for the first time.

she's gonna be beautiful
He's played well. He's not a star, but he's a solid player and he works hard.

His team started off shit, but has turned the corner recently.

I hate to complain about it, because I don't want to sound like I don't support him, it's just a massive time commitment that my whole family deals with. Every weekend.

I read both @Peter Gozintite 's and @BadMotoWeazal 's posts with envy. I wish I had some weekends to do nothing or work my ass off around the house.

So I was right there with you not so long ago. I had my oldest boy who was a really good baseball player. Start playing travel ball at 10 years old, then we went through Middle School baseball and travel ball and then junior high baseball and travel ball and then finally high school baseball and travel ball. He graduated two years ago and we sure have enjoyed having our everything back. Baseball has almost turned into a year-round sport in the south.

Unfortunately, we played baseball for a baseball school and although we lead the team in Stoen bases and runs, we did not play in the field or hit a baseball our senior year. No chances to play baseball in college. My son was a little relieved that all he had to do now was be a student in college