Fire Ryan Day and leave him in Dallas

Yeah normally i'd be all "harharhar, OSUX, blah blah, eck settra" but I'm having a hard time with that this year. I really feel bad for the poor OSU fans who've had to suffer through this administration.
Ummm…he’s in Arlington.
Hotels are more expensive in Arlington. OSU might want to rethink that move. Hotel accommodations on top of a contract buy out?

Money doesn't grow on trees outside of College Station
Seriously Day the self proclaimed offensive genius had a month to prep and they came out and looked like they had not practiced at all and had no real game plan. He’s a massively overpaid passing game coordinator, not a head coach.
If I may, Gene Smith and Co need to make some demands. Actually hire a real OC and let him call the plays. Day has proven that he is not a good play caller
people need to wipe the semen from their eyes
Surprised Pink GIF
If I may, Gene Smith and Co need to make some demands. Actually hire a real OC and let him call the plays. Day has proven that he is not a good play caller

Day has proven he’s not a good manager as a HC too though guy makes the quest hires and keeps dead weight on way too long
osubuckey is correct.

The closest airport to Arlington is DFW (12 miles), so they would indeed be flying out of Dallas.
D/FW isn't in Dallas, it is in Grapevine. Love is in Dallas, not sure where OSU flew in and out of.
2 promising young WRs transferring. Gee when you only strictly play 3 guys there and refuse to rotate at all, completely ignore non starters what do you think is gonna happen, Ryan?
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Just read a column that listed out for injury, opt outs and transfers.

Ohio State had 21, Missouri 11.

But, Missouri won the game. All that counts. No excuses.

Some of Mizzou's transfers actually practiced and stayed for the game.....they were lower on depth chart, so they didn't play.