Happy Monday


I did actually speak up at one point yesterday when she said that.

We've joked at his expense plenty during this, but he's basically gone from his wife running the house to almost watching her die next to him because she wouldn't go to the hospital, and has been taking care of her at home since Christmas.

There's going to be bumps in the road as he becomes the main person doing stuff around the house, and I hope at some point they get back to being able to cook a little bit, because eating prepared foods day in and day out isn't the best. Hopefully she continues to get stronger and can be more mobile.
How long have they been married?
Some of it makes sense in that usually the wife was taking care of the house, has their "way" of doing things, etc. She likely took pride in that and feels bad she is unable to right now.

Exactly. That's what my mom say's. I mean she used to do all the shopping and cooking (my dad grilled) and now she isn't doing any of that and she is very upset about that. Not at my dad, just at the fact she can't do those things anymore

I did actually speak up at one point yesterday when she said that.

We've joked at his expense plenty during this, but he's basically gone from his wife running the house to almost watching her die next to him because she wouldn't go to the hospital, and has been taking care of her at home since Christmas.

There's going to be bumps in the road as he becomes the main person doing stuff around the house, and I hope at some point they get back to being able to cook a little bit, because eating prepared foods day in and day out isn't the best. Hopefully she continues to get stronger and can be more mobile.
Unfortunately the position your FIL, MIL, you and I are finding ourselves are going to get worse before they get better. We just have to take it day by day and know that we aren't doing anything wrong and to just continue to be there for our loved ones.

DAMNIT... Now I am tearing up taking about this!
Fans and media are dwelling on Campbell's 4th down decisions, but the biggest back breakers were 1) the Gibbs fumble on 1st & 10 from his own 25 right after that Aiyuk miracle catch drive and 2) the key drops by Reynolds on 4th & 2 and 3rd & 9 that both would've been huge first downs.

Also, Aiden Hutchinson went AWOL. In the biggest moments, your biggest stars gotta make big plays and Hutch did absolutely nothing all game.
Unfortunately the position your FIL, MIL, you and I are finding ourselves are going to get worse before they get better. We just have to take it day by day and know that we aren't doing anything wrong and to just continue to be there for our loved ones.

DAMNIT... Now I am tearing up taking about this!
Yeah, there have been some tough spots, but we've been able to make some progress as well. She had said a few weeks before the surgery that she wanted to try and do some sort of exercise, so we gave her a small under-desk pedaling station to give her something to do, and she had been using it. FiL sent a message to us that a couple of days before the surgery, she was able to get out of her chair and use the walker without his assistance. And she was able to get in and out of their car before and after the surgery, which is a big deal as she was brought home from the nursing home in December in a wheelchair van.
Morning, folks.
I got a Blackstone for Christmas. I have been using it a lot
I've been thinking about picking one up, I've also been looking at camp chef version, weber, and traeger flattops
@RobBase after 30 minutes:

@RobBase after 60 minutes:
Is it 5pm yet?
finally broke down and got a new phone

sticking with google pixel. I have a version 3, they're on version 8. they stopped supporting mine and it was time, so finally got off the pot
mixed feelings on lions losing

as a viking fan would be nice to see long suffering fan base see a SB

as a viking fan, hate to see franchise that throughout my life has been far worse than the vikings make the SB before they did (In my lifetime, i wasn't around for their 0-4 performances)
That's pretty much exactly what I told my son yesterday, but as a Browns fan.
Really thought the Lions were gonna run away with it
Me too and I turned it off.

I didn't really care who won either game, I just wanted competitive games. It looked like the Lions had it in the bag, so Mrs Redfoot and I watched an episode of True Detective. I was pretty surprised when I turned the game back on.