Help!!!! I’m stuck in a hotel hallway. This is discrimination!!!

Plus Size+++???
I think she left that behind a long time ago.

Body Diversity???
Yep, FAT is the right word
size 6x bathrobes? lol. Imagine getting to size 1x and going, "nah, I'll keep going!"

It was her gnawing on those bacon cheeseburgers, large fry and milkshake that got her to that 6X.
How about they upcharge your ass because you breakdown all the furniture with that massive weight.

Did she say anything about larger refrigerators ???
comedy central adam demamp GIF by Workaholics
Can you imagine this woman working for you or your company ???
Can you imagine this woman working for you or your company ???
I can't imagine her working at all, for anything or anyone. She needs to shut the fuck up, it was her poor choices that got her a fat ass so take some personal responsibility. She isn't fat because of a medical condition, she is fat because she has no self control.
It was her gnawing on those bacon cheeseburgers, large fry and milkshake that got her to that 6X.
She’d probably need more that that to keep up with 6x lol. Like ten of those meals a day
I have to believe that someone that fat could lose 20 pounds by just skipping one day of meals. I can't imagine how many calories it takes to get to that obese level.

The silver lining with all of these fat asses pushing for everyone else to accommodate them is they have no ability to actually force anything. If they sue just drag out the court case, extremely obese people like her have a vey short lifespan.
Not sure her issue with beach seating. The whales that wash up out of the ocean always seem to find plenty of room to lay around.
Maybe, just maybe, Shamu should eat less krill and she won't have problems with chair width or durability in hotels.

So the hotel, in catering to fat slobs, should remove all arms from chairs? But now you're affecting my comfort.

How about this, open your own hotel chain for fat slobs and cater specifically to that group. Supersizing everything in a hotel because you have no self-control is not the answer.
And to be clear, I have no issue with fat people. Freedom to kill yourself is something I'm all for. But when they want everyone else to accommodate their poor life choices, they can fuck right off.

I would say the hotels should offer all of those amenities like they do with ADA rooms, except they should charge 6x as much to accommodate the 6x food and materials.
And to be clear, I have no issue with fat people. Freedom to kill yourself is something I'm all for. But when they want everyone else to accommodate their poor life choices, they can fuck right off.

I would say the hotels should offer all of those amenities like they do with ADA rooms, except they should charge 6x as much to accommodate the 6x food and materials.

exactly... as long as your fatness does not affect me, eat all the lard you want.

I remember getting stuck on a flight next to the half ton couple. The husband tried his best not to spill into my seat, but then he fell asleep and his hundred pound arm was laying on me. Flight attendant walks by and I mouth "HELP ME!!!!" and she just laughed and kept walking.