Henry Ruggs charged with DUI resulting in death

Born in 1957 dude.

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I had an aunt who couldn't get pregnant forever. She finally did and had my cousin. She was so proud going to show him to Grandpa ()her dad).
Story I heard was he interrupted her immediately and said "I just had a new litter of pups, you have to walk down to the pen and see them, they're so pretty and going to make great huntin dogs"
He'd have me go buy cigarettes for him after he had a heart surgery and was supposed to quit and tell me "if ya tell ya grandma, I'll pick your peaches!"
He'd have me go buy cigarettes for him after he had a heart surgery and was supposed to quit and tell me "if ya tell ya grandma, I'll pick your peaches!"
My grandpa was a fire and brimstone preacher, didn't drink or smoke. Most agreeable man I remember knowing. Dad nor my uncle or any of my aunts or their husbands would drink or smoke in front of him. I never thought of him as intimidating, not like my Dad who would whoop a grown man's ass in a heartbeat.
Then my oldest aunt told me stories about her youth. Grandpa picking cotton for next to nothing, hunting quail to feed all them kids. Them sitting around pulling heads off quail to get their supper. Grandpa taking a job driving a bus and having to throw people off head first because they wouldn't cooperate or pay their way. She said "You have only seen one side of your grandpa, it's best for people if they don't cross him or push him into a corner".
My grandpa was a fire and brimstone preacher, didn't drink or smoke. Most agreeable man I remember knowing. Dad nor my uncle or any of my aunts or their husbands would drink or smoke in front of him. I never thought of him as intimidating, not like my Dad who would whoop a grown man's ass in a heartbeat.
Then my oldest aunt told me stories about her youth. Grandpa picking cotton for next to nothing, hunting quail to feed all them kids. Them sitting around pulling heads off quail to get their supper. Grandpa taking a job driving a bus and having to throw people off head first because they wouldn't cooperate or pay their way. She said "You have only seen one side of your grandpa, it's best for people if they don't cross him or push him into a corner".
Those old son of a bitches are national treasures. What was considered common then is now extraordinary.
In Vegas, nothing is more than 20 minutes from the strip. There are so many services here that run nonstop. Here as much as anywhere in the world, for him, is fucking stupid.
Not to mention how many of them are on literal stand-by waiting to drive people. Just no excuse for that kind of stupidity with that kind of access.
He'd have me go buy cigarettes for him after he had a heart surgery and was supposed to quit and tell me "if ya tell ya grandma, I'll pick your peaches!"
First pack I ever bought was for my Grandpa the first time he ever had to spend the night in a hospital. Think I was 15.
We were discussing crazy old relatives and everyone also has that one who isn't funny but never stops joking around, I think maybe it's at least somewhat on topic :noidea:
Ahhh yes...the family pederast. lulz
Not that there is any excuse for a person who can EASILY afford an Uber….cab…..personal limo. But, this fact that the league put this option out there for players (actually one of the best things this league has done for player safety)….I got nothing for this guy. Fuck him.

Throw all the books at him.
In conversations I’ve had with several key sources who always have a good sense of what goes on at 345 Park Ave., there is little doubt that Goodell considers Rugg' role in this DUI a serious violation.

Serious Violation.

Sorry, Raider's fans.