Hot shower Friday

Aug 17, 2020
Reaction score
$ 33,889.00
Pocket Sand!
Been up since about quarter to five, holding Little Guy so he'd sleep calmly and the wife wouldn't startle herself awake at every sound he makes.

Can't wait until we get him in his room.
how's your wife doing?
She has good days and bad ones. When she doesn't sleep, she has bad days.

If she's really tired, her vocabulary drops, her speech slows, and her right hand doesn't work as well as it should.

Took Little Guy out of his bassinet in our room. Hopefully the wife can get an hour or two of sleep before our other hellion wakes up.
Lol at the phillies
Lol at the phillies
The organization stinks at developing middle relievers. Also, it doesn't help one bit when the one guy you do develop waits a whole year to get Tommy John surgery.
The organization stinks at developing middle relievers. Also, it doesn't help one bit when the one guy you do develop waits a whole year to get Tommy John surgery.
Don’t get me started on pitching or developing pitchers...
Brought some dinner over to my dad's then basically just went home and went to bed. Don't think I'm getting into anything tonight.
I see we are back to the vortexes...
It’s like we need a LOL at the Phillies thread to go with our LOL at the Mets one we’ve had in past
How about a LOL baseball thread