Is Jrue Holiday really worth this much?

Understand that Bledsoe's performance has been disappointing to date but not sure that Holiday was worth what the Bucks had to give up for him.

Time will tell I suppose

They did give up too much for him. But they didn't really have a choice unless they just wanted to go into a full rebuild. They had to do something to improve the team or risk losing Giannis, possibly for nothing.

When they struck out in FA, their only choice was through a trade.

Holiday is definitely an upgrade from Bledsoe. Unfortunately, he's not enough of an upgrade to get the Bucks a title and probably not enough of one to get them out of the East.

But he was enough of an upgrade to get Giannis to re-sign with them which gives them more time to try to figure out a way to get what they need to win a title.