Joro spiders

Joro spiders, invasive palm-sized spiders that have become a relatively common sight in some Southeastern states, will likely be expanding their territory soon.

“No predators, it doesn’t have anything that’s controlling its population size in the new habitat, but it has perfect conditions to spread,” Benjamin Frick, University of Georgia student and co-author of a new study about the hardiness of the spiders, told local news station WGCL.

The study found that Joro spiders are well-equipped to survive cold temperatures, meaning they’re likely to thrive as their population spreads north.
invasive palm-sized spiders

grossed out seinfeld GIF by HULU
where the hell did they come from?
Looks like a kind of banana spider genus. We had a huge number of golden orb web weavers here once about 10 years ago. Then, nothing since. I guess some bird figured out they're delicious.


Joro spiders, invasive palm-sized spiders that have become a relatively common sight in some Southeastern states, will likely be expanding their territory soon.

“No predators, it doesn’t have anything that’s controlling its population size in the new habitat, but it has perfect conditions to spread,” Benjamin Frick, University of Georgia student and co-author of a new study about the hardiness of the spiders, told local news station WGCL.

The study found that Joro spiders are well-equipped to survive cold temperatures, meaning they’re likely to thrive as their population spreads north.
Not buying in on the "no predators' thing.
Spiders are generally beneficial. The coloring on the thing seems to indicate poisonous venom.
Painful bite, but not life threatening from what I read. But apparently they feed on those invasive stink bugs that have taken over around here. This might be the only spider I don’t hate
You’re not going to get her to drop into a thread with spiders in the title just by tagging her.
It’s the last notification I checked but my stupid retarded ass thought maybe… just MAYBE it wouldn’t be a picture to greet me.

Fuck you, @Dole ver 2.0 Fuck you gently with a chainsaw.

Joro spiders, invasive palm-sized spiders that have become a relatively common sight in some Southeastern states, will likely be expanding their territory soon.

“No predators, it doesn’t have anything that’s controlling its population size in the new habitat, but it has perfect conditions to spread,” Benjamin Frick, University of Georgia student and co-author of a new study about the hardiness of the spiders, told local news station WGCL.

The study found that Joro spiders are well-equipped to survive cold temperatures, meaning they’re likely to thrive as their population spreads north.
Can't wait. They can join the Africanized (racist!) honeybees and Asian murder hornets and kill us all in the Thunderdome. FFS, will the news just cool it with this doomsday crap?
Can't wait. They can join the Africanized (racist!) honeybees and Asian murder hornets and kill us all in the Thunderdome. FFS, will the news just cool it with this doomsday crap?

The US is getting downright serious over the asian hornets. This one, not so much.
*feels itch on leg*

GET IT OFFF ME!! GET IT OFF MEE!! *spazzes out*

kramer spazz GIF by HULU
The US is getting downright serious over the asian hornets. This one, not so much.
Didn't they stop in Washington St. They can have 'em. Maybe it'll toughen up those wussy hipster twats in Seattle.

Seriously, look up the "killer bees" panic in the 1980s. This is a lot about nothing. Damn things aren't even poisonous.