Life questions

Maybe instead of punching her, he should counter with a purple-nurple. Should shut her down quickly.
Or start something going the other way
No. If a man spits on me, one of us is gonna have a whipped ass, but only way I could see hitting a woman is if she’s coming at you with a knife or something
No. If a man spits on me, one of us is gonna have a whipped ass, but only way I could see hitting a woman is if she’s coming at you with a knife or something
This sums it up for me.

Specific to the OP question….if you hit her over spitting you’re and over reactive pussy.

Anything along the lines of a push away or a hold is kosher IMO. But, it’s not a punch offense.

Bonus points to spitting back in her face though, that might be just how I go, followed with a “what’s next?”
This sums it up for me.

Specific to the OP question….if you hit her over spitting you’re and over reactive pussy.

Anything along the lines of a push away or a hold is kosher IMO. But, it’s not a punch offense.

Bonus points to spitting back in her face though, that might be just how I go, followed with a “what’s next?”

what about an open hand strike?
Definitely acceptable to spit something back from deep down in your booger factory if you're a dude. Spitting is disgusting. I'd rather be hit.
what about an open hand strike?
So….she slaps me?

I’m probably keeping my cool and not reacting in kind if it’s just a slap. Maybe putting restraint on her.

But, this is the real world caveat I can’t ignore….while it’s not right, if you slap or punch a guy that restraint can snap real easy. Something I don’t think spiting in your face should elicit.

It’s not right….but I can appreciate how hard it is to show restraint when slapped or punched.
Whipping it out.

Then in
Yeah, I don't play that shit. I would just come out and say that we are either leaving now and getting it in or I'll pay, but we splitting here.
Smashing, obvi
Idk man, she's intimidating for real lol. But I am also one of those guys to be like 'fuck it, I'll try anything once'
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