Most Scared @ Theatre?

Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
$ 25,000.00
Which film?

The Blair Witch Project
jaws GIF by Challenger
Probably the Conjuring.
The Odyssey (1954)

That Cyclops almost made me piss my pants. Saw it at a Saturday matinee. I may have been 7 or 8 at the time.
Boomers had to be major sissies to get scared by such cheesy effects
The best imagination doesn't need to be useful. Especially, runaway imagination. Daydreaming is much better than paying attention. Ask Calvin.
My daydreams mostly involve booze, cocaine and whores
The Amityville Horror

think i was about 13yr,
mom dropped me and a "date" at the theatre -
that movie scared the crap out of us -
I'm not a big fan of gore movies, and at my age I prefer to laugh or be entertained instead of stressed. But the most stressed I've been was The Ring.
Don't know about you tough guys but this one jolted the fuck out of me and I was concerned that the fellow in front of me was having a clanger.
