GAME Playoffs Division Round Thread

I mean, how do you get burned by back to back runs when Mahomes is in the locker room?
We have a ballgame now. Hopefully that stupid rule and uncalled penalty won't cost the Browns the game afterall.
Browns finally running the ball and Mahomes out for the rest of the game. This is getting interesting.
Come on Cleveland, you can't let a QB who's most famous moment is losing to Appalachian State beat you.
Horrible throw by Henne
If the AFCCG is the Bills vs Browns, it'll be my favorite playoff matchup ever.
It worked out, but I punt there. Chad Henne is the opposing QB, you don't get it and you're in real trouble
i'm right and you're wrong. the end.
Whatever you say. The kid getting sucker punched needs the same punishment as the kid who threw the suckerpunch right? It's zero tolerance the rule is the rule.