TV Series Saturday Night Live (SNL)

Yeah you are 70. I haven't watched SNL in years. When I was a kid we had Sandler and Carvey. Heck when Wayne's World came out I got to take a couple of friends to see it for my birthday. So I'm getting up there but not crotchety like you. But Pete Davidson and Colin Joust are funny. I've seen enough youtube of them that yeah its probably better comedy than what teenage me saw.

This, well the joke was women who like to have sex are sluts. What is funny about calling a woman who likes to get laid funny?
SNL got away from itself. It allowed politics to become not just a feature, but the main focus. So much so that they've hired now 2 straight very-unfunny impersonators to play the president (3, if you count Alec Baldwin when he ran way too long).

It used to be just a ridiculous show that could be more risque and clever, and maybe have a cool musical act too.

Yeah you are 70. I haven't watched SNL in years. When I was a kid we had Sandler and Carvey. Heck when Wayne's World came out I got to take a couple of friends to see it for my birthday. So I'm getting up there but not crotchety like you. But Pete Davidson and Colin Joust are funny. I've seen enough youtube of them that yeah its probably better comedy than what teenage me saw.

This, well the joke was women who like to have sex are sluts. What is funny about calling a woman who likes to get laid funny?
That’s not the joke at all. It was funny because you had such an aggressive asshole on the anchor chair, he had no problem being a doosh to his co-anchor.
SNL got away from itself. It allowed politics to become not just a feature, but the main focus. So much so that they've hired now 2 straight very-unfunny impersonators to play the president (3, if you count Alec Baldwin when he ran way too long).

It used to be just a ridiculous show that could be more risque and clever, and maybe have a cool musical act too.

it's never been as good as people say it was. they go back to a few clips over a few seasons that were funny and that's what it is. a lot of bad with an occasional laugh thrown in, mostly on the stuff that's not live.
Easy baby.

And what’s with the gay station wagon? What are you, queer?

Hey, Billy Idol. Nice cat.

I'll give you 2 points for paying attention.

Panzerwagon kicks ass.

SNL has always gone in spurts. The original cast was fantastic, then 80-86 or so (with the exception of Eddie Murphy) was pretty meh. 86-96 was also great with the likes of Phil Hartman, Dana Carvey, then MacDonald, Myers, Farley, Spade, Sandler, Meadows et al. Then it dipped, then Farrell, Fey, Morgan and others came and it was ok again, then it was kind of even for a while, not great but not sucking either. For the last 5 or so years it hasn't been that funny except for Kenan Thompson.
This. And people who got to know the show from a previous generation always hop on the “back when it was funny” train, it’s been a trend since the 90s.
Yeah you are 70. I haven't watched SNL in years. When I was a kid we had Sandler and Carvey. Heck when Wayne's World came out I got to take a couple of friends to see it for my birthday. So I'm getting up there but not crotchety like you. But Pete Davidson and Colin Joust are funny. I've seen enough youtube of them that yeah its probably better comedy than what teenage me saw.

This, well the joke was women who like to have sex are sluts. What is funny about calling a woman who likes to get laid funny?
For some reason, the old Simon sketch, staring Mike Myers has been stuck in my head the last week or so.

So I got to thinking…

Do a reimagining…

Instead if Mike Myers playing a 10 year old British boy who likes to do drawerings in the bathtub (and having friends over), it was Jon Ham as a 47 year old American ad exec, who likes to do drawings in the tub (and having girl friends over).

It would totally be a 1-time sketch, but I think the straight man take on the skit would be potentially classic.
For some reason, the old Simon sketch, staring Mike Myers has been stuck in my head the last week or so.

So I got to thinking…

Do a reimagining…

Instead if Mike Myers playing a 10 year old British boy who likes to do drawerings in the bathtub (and having friends over), it was Jon Ham as a 47 year old American ad exec, who likes to do drawings in the tub (and having girl friends over).

It would totally be a 1-time sketch, but I think the straight man take on the skit would be potentially classic.

The thing is that (as you may know) the original sketch is based on a real (animated) TV show, that's the reason he's playing a 10 year old drawing shit in the bathtub in the first place (I guess the bathtub is new :LOL: ). I think if you did it that way you might have to do it as if it's a crossover episode with "Mad Men" rather than a reimagining of the original. But there's definitely potential comedic value in the idea.

I also think it would have worked well as a TV show pitch to Jon Hamm from Bill Hader's "Stefon" but I think they've already done that type of sketch together.
That's how I always felt.

A few great episodes sprinkled in over the years.
With the most recent of these “great episodes” having taken place some 30-odd years ago. The show has been utter garbage for at least 5 or 6 years, more likely 10 or 15.