Sports as we know it is dead.

The NBA can go fuck themselves. They're boycotting because a criminal got shot. That's about as much common sense as I expected out of the NBA. I guess as long as the slaves in China making 20 cents an hours to make basketball shoes are still pumping them out, it's all good.
Yep, you nailed it. When these players claiming they are using their status to make change actually start losing change (in their pockets) they will not be so passionate.

Notice LeBron James did not put any slogans on his jersey. Why? Because he is more concerned with his own brand.
ice skating flip GIF
The man is legit and gets hot tail.
I've been weaning myself off "pro" sports since KaeperDick started his shtick...

NOW, college sports "prima donnas" are getting very prissy also. Freakin' shame...

College football has been my favorite sport over the years, but with the crap going on nowadays, golf is starting to look like my last refuge! FOOOOOORE!!! heh heh :facepalm:
I've been weaning myself off "pro" sports since KaeperDick started his shtick...

NOW, college sports "prima donnas" are getting very prissy also. Freakin' shame...

College football has been my favorite sport over the years, but with the crap going on nowadays, golf is starting to look like my last refuge! FOOOOOORE!!! heh heh :facepalm:
But but if we just paid the college athletes everything would be fine!

Europa League Crying GIF by UEFA
So two crackhead criminals get killed while committing crimes and they want change? Meanwhile 89% of black shootings are from other blacks and that is ok?

Just checking
the NHL is fine.
Because it's one event. Not multiple. You would have to add all the games together for an actual comparison.

That said....if the NBA cancels they're going to really feel the pain

doesnt matter. The opportunity is still $2 million for 4 days of work. They play every week. No crying just playing
I've been wanting to get into watching it more now that I've been starting to play it. It's just still odd to actually be sitting down to watch it after not really most of my life.

helps me nap every now and then. I don’t watch a lot of golf. Guess I’ve found other things to do
What I don't understand with the players not playing is what did it accomplish? I've seen people say its to bring awareness. Who the fuck isn't aware of whats going on in this country?

If the players think the best thing to do is sit out, then I support it. Its their right. Who am I to say its not the right thing? But I don't see what this actually accomplishes. Except raising racial tensions even more. Also it comes off a little "privileged" to just not show up for your job at the most important time of year and know there won't be any consequences. 99% of the rest of people do that and they'd be fired in a heartbeat.
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The season will resume.
What I don't understand with the players not playing is what did it accomplish? I've seen people say its to bring awareness. Who the fuck isn't aware of whats going on in this country?

If the players think the best thing to do is sit out, then I support it. Its their right. Who am I to say its not the right thing? But I don't see what this actually accomplishes. Except raising racial tensions even more. Also it comes off a little "privileged" to just not show up for your job at the most important time of year and know their won't be any consequences. 99% of the rest of people do that and they'd be fired in a heartbeat.
The NBA has by far, the largest percentage of black viewers. (Which Sports Have the Whitest/Richest/Oldest Fans?)

So...good job NBA for taking away a form of entertainment that black people seem to enjoy? That'll really show em...
It was a temper tantrum and nothing more. Cowherd is polishing LeBron's peepee today because he changed is mind 3 times in less than 24 hours. As usual, he shot his mouth off, handlers got to him, he was reminded of loss income and now "decided" to play
I quit watching the NBA and don't miss it.
The NBA has by far, the largest percentage of black viewers. (Which Sports Have the Whitest/Richest/Oldest Fans?)

So...good job NBA for taking away a form of entertainment that black people seem to enjoy? That'll really show em...
I get black players wanting to do something and I understand why they may not to play. As far as "taking away a form of entertainment that black people seem to enjoy", I really doubt any black people are against the players boycotting yesterday.

But I still come back to what did it actually accomplish? When the players start playing again tomorrow, what has changed? Every time there's a controversial shooting we're going to shut down sports? It doesn't actually solve anything or make anything better. It feels like it has the opposite effect.
I get black players wanting to do something and I understand why they may not to play. As far as "taking away a form of entertainment that black people seem to enjoy", I really doubt any black people are against the players boycotting yesterday.

But I still come back to what did it actually accomplish? When the players start playing again tomorrow, what has changed? Every time there's a controversial shooting we're going to shut down sports? It doesn't actually solve anything or make anything better. It feels like it has the opposite effect.
I guess I give people more credit than you do.
What a bunch of drama queens in the current NBA. Go ahead and cancel the season idiots
MLB will be forced to bow, too.
It's fucked up isn't it? Just my theory, but I think these spoiled asshats are just too beholden to Twitter and Social Media. At some point the cheers at the Stadium for what they did, were replaced with how something they said (often times completely unrelated to their actual job), is trending in terms of how they measure success.