Stop It, White People!

Word. What a pain in the fucking ass to deep fry all that shit. I don't care if it's all done together. The prep and clean up of the deep fry is a much bigger pain in the ass than the conventional methods.

Fuck that bitch right in the ass. Then pull it out and wipe it off on her drapes.
No! Wipe it on her eyebrows. All this shit done pissed me off. It just doesn’t make any goddamn sense on a multitude of levels :mad2:
The chef's kiss for me was that she seasoned everything in the oil, and then claimed that the sausage has no seasoning.

0/10, would not eat.
I hope @chefreactions gets ahold of this one.
Was it though? That beef had to be so undercooked. The cheese looked barely melted and tortillas looked completely untouched by any type of heat. Barf.
Where did the oil from the "tubed" meat at the beginning go? It was trapped in that foil pan. That is disgusting.
Where did the oil from the "tubed" meat at the beginning go? It was trapped in that foil pan. That is disgusting.
And they couldn’t even get a proper serving out. It just fell apart :laugh:
I would have aten that until I seen the sausage was pink ink in the middle......Im not a steak fan by any means especially if its pink in the middle,so its no way in hell am I eating piink sausage.....
You're not a steak fan??