Stop It, White People!

I seen them sold thru out the south in gas stations and road side stands.....either cajun or plain.

And they reallyy are not that bad either......just a little messy,and it was not the only time I bought them when I was down there......
They're good, but MY GOD the gas they create
jesus fucking christ, what an abomination.
Reminds me of that weird ass "popcorn salad" I saw on Food Network once. :puke:

I tried to get you to invest in collectible cereals!


Pepsi’s Colachup might sound foul (ball) at first, but it actually has culinary credibility. It was developed with the Culinary Institute of America, a prestigious cooking school, to “craft a revolutionary new type of condiment enhanced with the rich caramel notes and citrusy pop of Pepsi-Cola,” according to Jenny Danzi, a senior director at Pepsi.

I'm calling BS this crap will be foul.
its the White Male that is evil