Stewart was 47 when TNG debuted and looked like he was 65. Now he is 83. He looks older, but not 35 years older.
Stewart was 47 when TNG debuted and looked like he was 65. Now he is 83. He looks older, but not 35 years older.
i haven't seen what commercial must have shown him, but he's like steve martin to me. when i was a kid he looked older than he was, sooo many years later, they look the same age. granted, with only murders, yeah, i know steve is a lot older than he was then.
game's still boring

Another shitty spot? He was never on the ground?
lol @ that spot though, and then they didn't get it.

Eat shit Kansas City.
bad spot, then the ensuing rush falls short, feel like there's been a lot of calls that vegas wants this to go one way....
Ya know, Mahomes is a very good quarterback, but I gotta question anyone ever calling him a GOAT if he can't sneak the ball 5 inches.
Oh no there goes Deebo!
LMAO. The gods are just with Mahomes...
Debo out. Greenlaw out.

Niners are getting destroyed by injuries.
Conley might just be putting in a bid for MVP.
one TD scored and it was on such a shitty play they didn't even call the OL down the field by a mile
and of course i did a free bet thing with different props and i had the 9ers to have the longest FG. of course the longest SB FG of all time of 56 yards is later beaten by a 57 yarder.