and of course i did a free bet thing with different props and i had the 9ers to have the longest FG. of course the longest SB FG of all time of 56 yards is later beaten by a 57 yarder.
these are the only boring things making this game interesting to the average viewer
Damn. Another fumble.
Good lord. SF could be up by a couple scores if they we're tripping over their own dick all game...
There's the Ray Ray McCloud I know and love :clap:
Wow, momentum shift! Nice work, special teams dum-dums.
Good lord. SF could be up by a couple scores if they we're tripping over their own dick all game...
disagree. Rb fumbles went both ways. ref calls went SF way, Chiefs should have had a few more drives continued
disagree. Rb fumbles went both ways. ref calls went SF way, Chiefs should have had a few more drives continued
So like... If SF wasn't tripping on their own dick, they should be winning?


Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office

Streakers aren't what they used to be...

Commit and do it right or keep your drunk ass in the stands.
They picked up that 1st but that was a really dumb call
blocked, 3 point game still.
Goddammit. Needed that XP and for the score to stick to win the pool. :tsk:
shit, now i'm rooting for the cbs guy saying the game script is double OT, i don't even know if that's a thing, but let's do it.
can pacheco bully himself in?