
medicine cabinet is installed and looks good...going to have to do some painting but not too big a deal.
medicine cabinet is installed and looks good...going to have to do some painting but not too big a deal.
But is it recessed yet?
Afternoon all.

4x curfling champs, I'll add it to my resume. We did lose side bet on our second game, we choked in the final end. But finished season 10-2.
Afternoon all.

4x curfling champs, I'll add it to my resume. We did lose side bet on our second game, we choked in the final end. But finished season 10-2.
I messaged my sand volleyball team to figure out whether we are going to field a team this year. We had 2 players (1 guy, 1 girl) leave the area so we would have to do some recruiting and I am just not feeling I might suggest we throw in the towel.

I'd also be giving up being the commissioner for the league :(
Imagine having to be around Streisand and live in Hollywood and still be a decent person.
Seth Meyers Challenge GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
Afternoon all.

4x curfling champs, I'll add it to my resume. We did lose side bet on our second game, we choked in the final end. But finished season 10-2.
Fun Illustration GIF by Sappy Seals Community
Sean Astin is an asshole

Corey Feldman is a freak

Data would be cool

What did Sean Austin do?

Other than the weirdo Hollywood stuff Feldman seems okay. He never hurt anyone.

Data was awesome.