Thursday at ****************

We have to go to the dog training place tomorrow to work with the dogs. Dane should be coming home next weekend. Lab is apparently going to need to stay an extra 4 weeks.
wait, you can drop your dog off at dog boarding school and not take them back until they act the way you want?
Can't hide money.
Shit. If it works, it'll be the best money we ever spent. Stupid idiots won't be ruining shit they aren't supposed to chew on and follow more commands, leading to less yelling in the house. Plus, the cost was essentially cut in half because we didn't have to hire a pet sitter or kennel them when we were gone last week.
wait, you can drop your dog off at dog boarding school and not take them back until they act the way you want?
Probably not that loose of a term....but our lab is such an asshole that the guy running the place said, "She might need 8 weeks."
Because if you do video, the conference will call your phone directly and all you have to do is answer, instead of dialing in, trying to remember the 8 digit passcode, typing that in, then the password and typing that in.
Who the fuck is doing work videoconference calls from their phone instead of their computer?
You and pnk both have to buy your own work computers.

Fucked. Up.
i guess i've never stopped long enough to realize how hard it is out there for people with no real talent or marketable skills.

Probably not that loose of a term....but our lab is such an asshole that the guy running the place said, "She might need 8 weeks."
Sounds like the kind of help my daughter's dog could use.
wait, you can drop your dog off at dog boarding school and not take them back until they act the way you want?
Then you can hold it over your kids' heads when they misbehave.

"Am I going to have to leave you at the trainer like I did Rover?"
Who the fuck is doing work videoconference calls from their phone instead of their computer?
I've done a few in the past while traveling, but I don't keep my camera on for longer than just to say hi.
Who the fuck is doing work videoconference calls from their phone instead of their computer?
Those who have crappy a microphone on their computer.
Raise Hand GIF by Nick Jonas
Side note, I got a friend request from a woman I went to college with, and probably haven't said a word to in almost 20 years.

Not that she was a looker before, but it looks like she aged 40 years in the meantime.
Person I haven't seen in 30 years looks like they aged 40 years. I'm old and will not acknowledge it. More news at the top of the hour.
Person I haven't seen in 30 years looks like they aged 40 years. I'm old and will not acknowledge it. More news at the top of the hour.
She looks to have had a particularly rough go of the last 20 years. I wouldn't have expected her to not age, but I also didn't expect her to look like some of my aunts.
It's good for the team to see faces. I have my camera off until the construction behind me ends. I should just put up a green screen behind me.
okay team, let's go.

I've done a few in the past while traveling, but I don't keep my camera on for longer than just to say hi.
I like having the option but not forced to do so. Most of us treat it like a teleconference but they want to see those facial expressions of disdain. However no one was willing to do that so it's defeating the purpose. You are able to get the disdain when we teleconference though.
Who the fuck is doing work videoconference calls from their phone instead of their computer?

I use my phone for zoom, my mic sucks on my laptop
I've done a few in the past while traveling, but I don't keep my camera on for longer than just to say hi.
I mean, sure, sometimes it is necessary in a pinch.