tOfficial 2024 HooplaNation Deadpool Results and Standings Thread

@steelerssb, 2, 140, 13
@outofyourmind, 1, 62, 8
@Wood20ks, 1, 92, 9
@Wingsauce7, 1, 92, 6
@huskers1217, 1, 92, 3
@olympicoscar, 1, 93, 7
@Grant Ward, 1, 93, 6
@ill, 1, 93, 5
@Illustrious Potentate, 1, 93, 4
@Dolemite censored, 1, 93, 3

Updated after Willie Mays gets a lot of folks on the board.


the oscars montage is going to be quite short if we dont start knocking people off soon
To answer a question in the picks thread, I manage this via Excel. That's why I ask for picks to be in "Name, Confidence Points" format, so I can just paste them into a spreadsheet and let Excel take out the commas.

I'm sorry to have missed the deadpool these past couple of years.