tOfficial "Say something negative about the last person who posted" thread

Jefferson D'Arcy is in his.
Feels qualified to test women's underwear.
Won’t take off his only pair of women’s underwear out of fear of zipper dick syndrome.
Gets mistaken for Flea on a weekly basis.
Gets treated for fleas on a weekly basis.
Was told bi-focals wouldn’t help him find his penis, however, losing belly fat and a microscope might.
Watch out for him in the gym showers as he easily get jealous of other men’s main drain veins - in fact, he tried cutting off another man’s pole once but cut the man’s thigh. Prosecutors only charged him with a missdaweiner.
Let me tell ya, natural casing weiners are his thing. He also likes hot dogs!
Wishes his wife’s boobs were as big as his.
His wife wears a jock strap so her balls don't jump around while she hoops.