tOfficial "Say something negative about the last person who posted" thread

Was never worried about the covid TP shortage, being that wiping his ass has never been a thing.
Never had a problem with wearing masks, as he was already used to wearing a bag over his head.

saul steinberg dancing GIF
Spends hours at the Home Depot checking out paint samples and matching colors, which is really weird since he's only buying the shit to take home and huff.
Licks his digits after playing Butt Bongo.

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Is the Sgt of Arms at the local Ricky Ricardo fan club
Tries to lowball hookers who are willing to give him a golden shower.
Has a line of credit at local truck stops.
Is popular and people like him.

I mean, fuck it's @broncosmitty man, I got nothin'.
Secretly hates Ray Stevens.
Finds Ray Stevens’ song “The Streak” incredibly offhand reported it to the FCC
Is a novice at the skin flute, but practices daily.
Loves sucking straws and such, mostly such...
Whistles The Rockford Files theme everytime after munchin a boy oster.