Two-way stop protocol:

Without looking it up: Two cars are stopped on opposite sides of the street at an intersection with a two-way stop.
One car gets to the stop sign at the intersection several seconds before the car on the opposite side gets to its stop sign, but both have to wait several seconds for the cross traffic to die down.
Which car has the right of way?:
A. The car that got to the intersection first?
B. The car that is going straight, and not turning left?

A. Who ever gets to the stop goes first. That goes for 2 way and 4 way.
When I see an opening, I go. Even at a 4 way stop if there’s two vehicles that stopped before me that can’t make up their mind, I’ll just go and let them settle it amongst themselves
If two cars stop at the exact same time, it's whoever gets on the gas first.
Without looking it up: Two cars are stopped on opposite sides of the street at an intersection with a two-way stop.
One car gets to the stop sign at the intersection several seconds before the car on the opposite side gets to its stop sign, but both have to wait several seconds for the cross traffic to die down.
Which car has the right of way?:
A. The car that got to the intersection first?
B. The car that is going straight, and not turning left?
anyone confused by this question? Since when is ok to add new parameters in the answers? A and B could be the same car!
If car 1 gets there first, car 1 has the right of way.

this is the way. Whomever arrives first has the right of way.
I support the last paragraph too:

In Texas, yield the right of way:

  • When you are at a yield sign. You do not need to stop at a yield sign, but you should slow down to look for oncoming traffic before proceeding into a lane or intersection.
  • At a pedestrian crosswalk
  • When another vehicle is already in an uncontrolled intersection
  • When making a left-hand turn. Always yield to pedestrians and on-coming traffic before making a left-hand turn

One of the most common times you will need to yield the right of way is at a four-way stop, and in this case, you will have to pay attention to which vehicle stopped first. At a four-way stop, the first driver to come to a stop should be the first to enter the intersection. If two cars stop simultaneously, drivers should yield the right of way to the vehicle on their right.

Four-way stops are confusing to many, so don’t be surprised when an overhasty driver moves into the intersection when it was your turn. If this happens, as in all other cases, you should still yield the right of way to the vehicle in the intersection.

The first stopped first to go rule applies to most other intersections not dictated by traffic lights, save two-way stops. At three-way stops and T-intersections, yield to the driver who stopped first.

At a two-way stop, yield to traffic in the perpendicular lanes without stop signs. If you are making a left-hand turn at a two-way stop, you should also yield the right of way to the driver directly opposite you, even if you stopped first. This may seem counterintuitive, but the general rule of thumb for left-hand turns is to wait for the driver in the opposite-facing lane to pass you like you would at a traffic light.

Regardless of whether you are meant to have the right of way, always be alert to other cars flouting the rules and proceeding into the intersection anyway. Doing so can help keep you safe from distracted drivers.

One of the most confusing instances of yielding the right of way is in roundabouts. Many drivers are under the false belief that cars already in the roundabout should yield to vehicles about to enter when the opposite is true. Right of way is yielded to vehicles already in the roundabout. If the roundabout has more than one lane, you must be in the outer lane to exit.

Relinquishing the Right of Way​

This may sound like the same thing as yielding the right of way, but relinquishing the right of way refers more to instances of stopping to wave someone through an intersection when you should have proceeded before them. Relinquishing the right of way is not advised. Stopping to allow another driver in usually confuses drivers behind you and can even result in a situation where no one is sure what to do, leading to a delay in traffic.
I support the last paragraph too:

In Texas, yield the right of way:

At a two-way stop, yield to traffic in the perpendicular lanes without stop signs. If you are making a left-hand turn at a two-way stop, you should also yield the right of way to the driver directly opposite you, even if you stopped first. This may seem counterintuitive, but the general rule of thumb for left-hand turns is to wait for the driver in the opposite-facing lane to pass you like you would at a traffic light.

So, in Texas, if you're at a two-way stop and you need to make a left, and there are five cars across from you going straight, you have to yield to all five cars going straight?

That's some BUUUUULLLshit.
the car going straight unless the car going straight is a nice person and tells them to go ahead and turn while there is an opening in traffic
Fuck that guy.
If you want to 'direct traffic' when it's not the rules of the road, GO INTO LAW ENFORCMENT.

I'll just sit there until they finally go, and then when they do, I jump on it like I'm going go just to fuck with them.
It depends a lot on what you drive.

Everybody gives me the right of way about 90% of the time when it's not even my turn.
Anyone driving a big ass truck knows what I'm talking about.

You can get the same reaction with a Gremlin with a few bungee cords attached to the bumpers.
It depends a lot on what you drive.

Everybody gives me the right of way about 90% of the time when it's not even my turn.
Anyone driving a big ass truck knows what I'm talking about.

Eghhh… that truck is worth a lot of money.

There’s another approach to this and that’s “my ride is shittier than yours”. Dude with the better ride always yields. Unless he’s drunk.
So, in Texas, if you're at a two-way stop and you need to make a left, and there are five cars across from you going straight, you have to yield to all five cars going straight?

That's some BUUUUULLLshit.
That sounded better in your head
the car going straight unless the car going straight is a nice person and tells them to go ahead and turn while there is an opening in traffic

OP obviously turned before it was his turn and now needs some kind of confirmation that he was right...when he wasn't
I refuse to do what people on the other side of the intersection tell me to do.

They aren’t my boss. I’ll wait all fucking day, idc. I always have an extra pack of smokes, for emergencies.
So, in Texas, if you're at a two-way stop and you need to make a left, and there are five cars across from you going straight, you have to yield to all five cars going straight?

That's some BUUUUULLLshit.
It's written poorly but it is assuming both cars stop and then start so the one going straight will pass first and the turner will go behind them. You don't want them basically cutting diagonally in front of the car going straight.
Fuck that guy.
If you want to 'direct traffic' when it's not the rules of the road, GO INTO LAW ENFORCMENT.

I'll just sit there until they finally go, and then when they do, I jump on it like I'm going go just to fuck with them.

you have no idea how much i love fucking with people on the roads.