What moment made you realize you don’t like Joe Buck?

I don't know when exactly I started to dislike him. Some of it was him calling baseball, too. The hyperbole, cheerleading and cocksucking in his broadcast booth makes me want to slit his throat and fuck the hole with spiked dildo.
As a Cubs fan I second this... Joe Buck loves him some LaRussa Jizz
I thought someone broke into the booth and was just shooting the shit the first time I heard him. Fucking awful
I mean I’m all for trying something new. So I get giving him a shot to not be a complete fucking failure at it. Then he was a complete fucking failure at it and they decided to bring him back for another year…
Joe Buck is anti-Braves. That is why I hate him.
Eh. I don't mind him. He got thrown into it pretty young and has gotten better. I'm not saying he's the greatest to ever do it, but I like him calling the big games.
During the World Series, Buck had Madison Bumgarner's dick so far down his throat it was triggering my gag reflex. I'm neutral to the Giants, and usually root for NL teams to beat AL teams, but that fucker was making me hate MadBum.
I already was kinda over him before that, that cemented it. I don't need my sportball announcers to tell me how I should feel.
If that's the case you must have sworn off of watching sports forever.
Looking back, I might have just hated him by association because of the fact that he was in the booth with McCarver for baseball all the time, and McCarver was awful.
I couldn't stand listening to MetCarver.

I don't have a problem with Buck or Aikman either.
Collinsworth makes me want to put in ear plugs.
Did he used to do pr0n?
The first time I heard him speak.