Why basketball is the sport of wussy bitches now

Aug 27, 2020
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$ 500.00
GCU player dunks in closing seconds, with a 10 pt lead over UT Arlington. So naturally, one player bodychecks him and another spikes the ball at him. Because, somewhere there's some unwritten rule that a lead can't be padded past a certain point, or new scores can't happen in a certain way.

I blame soccer. Back in the 80s and 90s, players weren't diving and embellishing fouls. This doesn't happen in contact sports like football, rugby and hockey, where players beat the hell out of each other for 60+ minutes, and then shake hands and leave at the end.
GCU player dunks in closing seconds, with a 10 pt lead over UT Arlington. So naturally, one player bodychecks him and another spikes the ball at him. Because, somewhere there's some unwritten rule that a lead can't be padded past a certain point, or new scores can't happen in a certain way.

I blame soccer. Back in the 80s and 90s, players weren't diving and embellishing fouls. This doesn't happen in contact sports like football, rugby and hockey, where players beat the hell out of each other for 60+ minutes, and then shake hands and leave at the end.
Have you watched the NBA in the last decade?
No, I gave up after seeing the Kings get screwed over in a rigged conference finals over 20 years ago.
FWIW Chris Webber is a crook
FWIW Chris Webber is a crook
Maybe. But Kobe Bryant was a rapist. Donaghy, admittedly not the best witness, spilled the beans later and explained all the rigging that the NBA engages in.
some unwritten rule that a lead can't be padded past a certain point, or new scores can't happen in a certain way

When my daughter was in 7th grade, I volunteer coached a 7th & 8th grade girls basketball team that only had 7 total players. My best player was the point guard and I had no other players that could handle the ball worth a crap. When playing our cross-town rivals in their gym, we opened up a double-digit lead. Throughout the 4th quarter, I had opposing team parents jeering me for keeping her in the game. Fools even complained about it to the schools' ADs.

1) In a situation like that, what choice is there?
2) It's asinine to expect opposing teams to "go easy on you" when you're getting your ass kicked. How about "be better"?
3) Coaching involves establishing maximum work ethic. Pulling your best players when you get a lead teaches kids "it's okay to stop trying hard when you get ahead".

Pertaining to the subject matter, both #2 and #3 apply. If you don't like it, "be better" and "work harder". Throwing a temper tantrum because you got punked is absolutely a "wussy bitch" move.
When my daughter was in 7th grade, I volunteer coached a 7th & 8th grade girls basketball team that only had 7 total players. My best player was the point guard and I had no other players that could handle the ball worth a crap. When playing our cross-town rivals in their gym, we opened up a double-digit lead. Throughout the 4th quarter, I had opposing team parents jeering me for keeping her in the game. Fools even complained about it to the schools' ADs.

1) In a situation like that, what choice is there?
2) It's asinine to expect opposing teams to "go easy on you" when you're getting your ass kicked. How about "be better"?
3) Coaching involves establishing maximum work ethic. Pulling your best players when you get a lead teaches kids "it's okay to stop trying hard when you get ahead".

Pertaining to the subject matter, both #2 and #3 apply. If you don't like it, "be better" and "work harder". Throwing a temper tantrum because you got punked is absolutely a "wussy bitch" move.
I think this is something that affects youth sports a lot, and is creeping into college and pro level. It's nowhere near the majority, but a lot of people want to celebrate their team's effort in a loss, almost as much as if they had won. As it creeps further along, people get pissy when these unwritten rules aren't respected, and you get actual violence. One day, it will probably be encoded into the rules.

When I was a kid and played youth sports, I may not have liked it at the time, but we'd have coaches train us to be gracious in defeat. I don't just mean shaking hands with the winning team after the whistle blew, but accepting that we lost because the other team was better that day. I like to think that it served as some motivation for training harder and playing better in the next game. In the end, I think it made the championship wins mean more, because we weren't coddled into thinking we weren't deficient or needed to improve.
When my daughter was in 7th grade, I volunteer coached a 7th & 8th grade girls basketball team that only had 7 total players. My best player was the point guard and I had no other players that could handle the ball worth a crap. When playing our cross-town rivals in their gym, we opened up a double-digit lead. Throughout the 4th quarter, I had opposing team parents jeering me for keeping her in the game. Fools even complained about it to the schools' ADs.

1) In a situation like that, what choice is there?
2) It's asinine to expect opposing teams to "go easy on you" when you're getting your ass kicked. How about "be better"?
3) Coaching involves establishing maximum work ethic. Pulling your best players when you get a lead teaches kids "it's okay to stop trying hard when you get ahead".

Pertaining to the subject matter, both #2 and #3 apply. If you don't like it, "be better" and "work harder". Throwing a temper tantrum because you got punked is absolutely a "wussy bitch" move.

I used to coach boys baseball and basketball when my kids were pre-teens. I stopped because parents on both teams were assholes.
C'mon, man. The chick he nailed hadn't changed her underwear in 3 days and there was semen from 3 different men in it.

She was a complete ho looking for a payday.
Dude, first he said he didn't fuck her. Then he said maybe he did, but that strangling his fuck partners to the point of bruising their necks was his thing. Then he hopped a plane home and bought his wife a $4 million purple ring as an apology.

Kobe was a rapist.
C'mon, man. The chick he nailed hadn't changed her underwear in 3 days and there was semen from 3 different men in it.

She was a complete ho looking for a payday.

You can't be showing up at the investigation with three different semen samples in the same panties.:ooh::snoop:
Dude, first he said he didn't fuck her. Then he said maybe he did, but that strangling his fuck partners to the point of bruising their necks was his thing. Then he hopped a plane home and bought his wife a $4 million purple ring as an apology.

Kobe was a rapist.
I think he was a “put it in her ass without asking permission first” ist.
I used to coach boys baseball and basketball when my kids were pre-teens. I stopped because parents on both teams were assholes.
Sadly, this is the case with a lot of coaches.

My brother worked to become a certified USA hockey coach, but that was one of two primary reasons he stopped coaching. The other primary reason was that asshole parents create asshole kids. When you work your way up to coaching high school kids, it's a nonstop barrage of dealing with assholes.
GCU player dunks in closing seconds, with a 10 pt lead over UT Arlington. So naturally, one player bodychecks him and another spikes the ball at him. Because, somewhere there's some unwritten rule that a lead can't be padded past a certain point, or new scores can't happen in a certain way.

I blame soccer. Back in the 80s and 90s, players weren't diving and embellishing fouls. This doesn't happen in contact sports like football, rugby and hockey, where players beat the hell out of each other for 60+ minutes, and then shake hands and leave at the end.
I always blamed it on the soccer playing Europeans infiltrating the nba.
How the fuck did a degree mill even have a team to make the tournament? Where do they find fans?

Is Jesus G Suarez gonna suit up for Southern New Hampshire next?
I always blamed it on the soccer playing Europeans infiltrating the nba.
Works for me. I don’t think the transformation will be complete until these 6’10” black guys start wearing tutus and leotards though.
Maybe. But Kobe Bryant was a rapist. Donaghy, admittedly not the best witness, spilled the beans later and explained all the rigging that the NBA engages in.
Pro sports rigged?

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