Will Smith is gay?

Zero doubt he’s deeply imbedded {pardon the expression} inside the inner circle of the Hollywood perv culture. They’re doing some seriously sick shit.
And he is in the scientology cult too correct?
Jada Pinkett Smith, in her horrible attempt to "squash" the gay rumors ends up making it more about her. What a horrible self-absorbed cunt

Did you battle suicidal thoughts because you are bald? A huge slut? Realized you can't convert a fag? Or, all of the above?

No wonder Tupac off'd himself! Oh yea, all you morons that wasted time on finding his killer? Black John Lennon killed himself
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And he is in the scientology cult too correct?
Area 51 Aliens GIF by Sky HISTORY UK
Jada Pinkett Smith, in her horrible attempt to "squash" the gay rumors ends up making it more about her. What a horrible self-absorbed cunt

"Will goes and does his own thing. It's not an 'open' relationship because I don't like that term."
"No way, we never cheated on each other- Our marriage is strong."
"The word, 'marriage' is too confining."
"I don't have hair loss... I have a special medical condition called 'alopecia'."
"How did it feel, baby, when I cheated on you with our son's friend?"
"The joke didn't bother me."
"Chris Rock tried to date me."
"Hey, I found I have great masturbatory sex on hallucinogenic drugs, so I shared em with my kids!"
"Tupac and I are soul mates and he wanted to marry me when he was in prison."
"My marriage is all fake. Haha, not really. (But really it is.)"
"Will might not be gay, but let me tell you about my suicide planning!"

And he is in the scientology cult too correct?
Yeah, and no surprise- both Jada and Will were into it for a bit. Given that Scientology loves to collect the secret homo blackmail files on its Hollywood stars, perhaps that's why they didn't go too deep.

"I open the door to Duane's dressing room and that's when I see Duane having anal sex with Will," Brother said in a clip of the interview. Tasha said she needed time to process the shocking revelation, before Brother went on detailing, "It was a couch and, um, Will was bent over on the couch and Duane was standing up. Killin' him. Murderin'. It was murder in there."

...I thought everyone knew "homosexual experiences" are integrated into Hollywood culture... ???
That’s why I asked for my money back at Planet Hollywood.

Zero stars. Do not recommend.

In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I looked for the gays
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool
And all shootin' my wad outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started questionin' my manhood
I got in one little tiff and my mom got scared
She said, "You fag you movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air
Hopefully we’ll have riveting news this week from The Rock, Will Ferrell and Matthew McConoughey, too!
Brad Pitt is apparently romantically serious with some mostly unknown broad. We could go that route.
The actor? Probably
The Dodgers catcher? Definitely
Reliever that has won 3 straight rings with 3 different teams? Absolutely not
So…if you’re Duane Martin, is this good or bad publicity? Sure, he gets outed as being gay, but in a way that indicates that he‘s really good at it.