Zillow gone Wild....

angry nat geo GIF by Nat Geo Wild

While much, much smaller (thank gawd), it's kind of amazing to observe how close domesticated felines are to their wild relatives.

Anywho, I saw this and thought of you:

Once all the kids moved away my house seems to be way too large. We have rooms we haven't been in in months. Doors stay closed to that wing and the hvac unit for that section never runs. Those rooms that were once filled with children's loud voices often arguing, have fallen silent. It can be depressing walking along that section and the memories of a time gone by.....in a gulf of silence.
Our 2nd story is now warehousing
I could definitely live here...

I could definitely live here...

That is a fucking bizarre home.
I could definitely live here...

I like it. I bet those people are the good kinda weird.
Miles city is about as middle of nowhere as it gets.
hey @Peter Gozintite

anyway check out ths bad boy

Isn’t Miles City right off of 94? With a shit ton of casinos and strip malls? There’s much bumfuckier places
Ya, it's grown, but anything in eastern montana is the middle of nowhere.
probably want to change out pic 11 or 27

Once all the kids moved away my house seems to be way too large. We have rooms we haven't been in in months. Doors stay closed to that wing and the hvac unit for that section never runs. Those rooms that were once filled with children's loud voices often arguing, have fallen silent. It can be depressing walking along that section and the memories of a time gone by.....in a gulf of silence.
I’ve never even been aware of having children and there are two rooms with closed doors I don’t remember the last time I was in either. It was cold out. I remember that. Fuck those rooms. They can can refloor themselves.

And you weren’t running an illegal smokehouse and grille.
Yes, I have.

I've also always wanted a "bedroom," in which there are custom made, wall-to-wall mattresses.
The lil ladies cousin somehow bought old wrestling mats from his HS, while in HS. And took over his parents basement.

Was an amazing time in a lot of people’s lives.