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Wavy brick walls use less bricks than straight brick walls?
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That's because a straight fence that is just one brick thick is not sturdy enough to stand alone and can be easily toppled with a determined push. For that reason straight fences always have a thickness of at least two layers of bricks and often more, and are also reinforced at regular intervals with vertical posts serving as buttresses.

But a wavy "one-brick" fence stands just fine on its own due to the arch support provided by its shape, which combines both fence and buttress.

A lot more trimming to do though.

There's more footage on the wavy and the mower can't get right up next to it like on the straight.
If a lake with alligators freezes during the winter, alligators will stick their heads or just their noses above the water line and wait for the lake to thaw

To college-aged humans in the western world, getting iced has a very different meaning than it does to alligators across the globe. For these cold-blooded creatures, "icing" refers to the method that they use to survive in freezing winter temperatures.

For mammals, it's called hibernation, but for reptiles it's called brumation, essentially the lowering of an animals metabolic rate to sustain themselves during the most harsh periods of winter. As long as the water in which the alligators lie remains liquid the alligators are perfectly fine, and because their snouts are made of pure cartilage they don't feel any pain during the process.
I lived in San Diego fer 10 years an can never remember any bugs thar at all ??
After tobacco was brought over from the New World, people quickly realized it could be used as medicine. Western doctors started using tobacco smoke to help with cold and drowsiness. However, they learned the technique of applying tobacco through the rectum from Native Americans.

The procedure was used to treat gut pain, and liquid tobacco enemas were often given to ease the symptoms of a hernia.

Before the implementation of an official instrument, tobacco enemas were typically administered with a standard smoking pipe. This proved to be an impractical solution as the stem of a pipe was much shorter than the tube of the instrument that would come later, making both the spread of diseases such as cholera and the accidental inhalation of the contents of the patient's anal cavity.

During the early 19th century the practice fell into decline, when it was discovered that the principal active agent in tobacco smoke, nicotine, is poisonous.
Ever wonder why most staircases in medieval castles were built to be extremely narrow and spiraling in a clockwise direction? Since medieval castles were built mainly as fortifications, staircases were designed to make it extremely difficult for enemy combatants to fight their way up.

Since most soldiers were right-handed, they would need to round each curve of the inner wall before attempting to strike, inevitably exposing themselves in the process. The clockwise spiral staircase also allowed the defenders to use the inner wall as a partial shield and easily allow them to swing their weapon without being hindered by the curvature of the outer wall.
The stairs were also intentionally poorly lit and built to be uneven, making it even more difficult for the attackers to gain any sort of balance or momentum during their fight up to capture the castle.
Ever wonder why most staircases in medieval castles were built to be extremely narrow and spiraling in a clockwise direction? Since medieval castles were built mainly as fortifications, staircases were designed to make it extremely difficult for enemy combatants to fight their way up.

Since most soldiers were right-handed, they would need to round each curve of the inner wall before attempting to strike, inevitably exposing themselves in the process. The clockwise spiral staircase also allowed the defenders to use the inner wall as a partial shield and easily allow them to swing their weapon without being hindered by the curvature of the outer wall.
The stairs were also intentionally poorly lit and built to be uneven, making it even more difficult for the attackers to gain any sort of balance or momentum during their fight up to capture the castle.
I’ve only ever been in a couple castles.

And the shitters that extended out from the walls of the upper floors, along with the lack of hallways were what stuck out.

Hallways weren’t invented until 1597.

Learned that in a castle, with no hallways.

Those stairwells as smart af though.