All tackles lead with the head

That’s how stupid you are. Nine pages and you still are ‘not getting’ basic things here.

YOU: “Whuh? You’re showing non penalized tackles to make a point???? Huh huh?”

yes, you dumb fuck. And it’s taken you nine pages to get basic stuff

Since not one person on this entire forum has agreed with your insanity that "Form tackles lead with your helmet. Head and eyes down", you are obviously the smartest one here. LMFAO!!!
Since not one person on this entire forum has agreed with your insanity that "Form tackles lead with your helmet. Head and eyes down", you are obviously the smartest one here. LMFAO!!!
Still not answering.

head and eyes down enough to catch the penalty, dunce. Every single form tackle has head down enough to catch this penalty. Even this did. Like I said, you’re too dumb to grasp basic things.
Still not answering.

head and eyes down enough to catch the penalty, dunce. Every single form tackle has head down enough to catch this penalty. Even this did. Like I said, you’re too dumb to grasp basic things.
View attachment 41522

Again... It's a 'snapshot' and not a complete video to review.

You know those in the review booth are looking at a complete video (from multiple angles) to make their judgement, not a single snapshot.

There is a list of criteria for 'targeting'. It can meet one or multiple criteria.

Those in the review booth also need conclusive evidence to overturn any call on the field.
Since you won't post it I will..... Here's the full video, you flaming idiot.

He clearly uses the crown of his helmet as a weapon. He doesn't even try to make a tackle any other way.
There is intent for helmet-to-helmet first contact.

The defender's arms aren't even out. They are tucked in and he is indeed a missile going after the QB's head. Initial contact is with the 'CROWN' of his helmet.


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The defender's arms aren't even out. They are tucked in and he is indeed a missile going after the QB's head. Initial contact is with the 'CROWN' of his helmet.


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He’s literally hitting him with his shoulder. Here’s the actual impact. Notice shoulder. Notice runners head not even moving.
Further, are you saying that all other things equal on this hit, if tackler had his arms out, then it’d be kosher? Hell no. People get ejected fir that ALSO.

remember, I’m the one advocating for going in low. Y’all are advocating for heads up.
He’s literally hitting him with his shoulder. Here’s the actual impact. Notice shoulder. Notice runners head not even moving.
Further, are you saying that all other things equal on this hit, if tackler had his arms out, then it’d be kosher? Hell no. People get ejected fir that ALSO.

remember, I’m the one advocating for going in low. Y’all are advocating for heads up.
View attachment 41529

You flaming idiot. The helmet is clearly ahead of his shoulder pad in this snapshot. Initial contact was with the 'CROWN' of the defender's helmet to the side of the QB's head.

Your snapshot is AFTER initial contact.

You're a loon dying on his hill.

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You flaming idiot. The helmet is clearly ahead of his shoulder pad in this snapshot. Initial contact was with the 'CROWN' of the defender's helmet to the side of the QB's head.

Your snapshot is AFTER initial contact.

You're a loon dying on his hill.

View attachment 41530
The helmet is always ahead.
Again, I’m advocating for going low. You’re doing the opposite.
Again again: are you saying that if his arms were out to wrap, this would save him from a penalty? Surely not? His head would still be ahead of shoulders and still at helmet to helmet level

Get it yet?
The video leaves no doubt Mertz' head took the brunt of that hit with the 'CROWN' of that defender's helmet.

"tEh QuArTeRbAcKs hEaD DoEsN'T eVeN mOvE" - ElTexas

THE DB went knee level with his shoulder as the receiver haphazardly threw him self backwards head first... and the DB gets run from the game. This rule is stupid in definition and even dumber in prosecution.
Lmao. But y’all will continue to defend the status quo. Dunces.

When you say all, you are usually incorrect.

The helmet is always ahead.
Again, I’m advocating for going low. You’re doing the opposite.
Again again: are you saying that if his arms were out to wrap, this would save him from a penalty? Surely not? His head would still be ahead of shoulders and still at helmet to helmet level

Get it yet?

I'm advocating the tackle could have been made a number of different ways than it was.

It was not even a tackle anyway since Mertz didn't go down. It was a missile attack with the 'CROWN of the helmet as his weapon of choice.
The goal was to inflict a dangerous blow with his helmet. i.e. He was Helmet tackling.
When you say all, you are usually incorrect.

Even in your dumb irrelevant example, the defender’s head is closer to the runner than his shoulders
I'm advocating the tackle could have been made a number of different ways than it was.

It was not even a tackle anyway since Mertz didn't go down. It was a missile attack with the 'CROWN of the helmet as his weapon of choice.
The goal was to inflict a dangerous blow with his helmet. i.e. He was Helmet tackling.
Again. Try to answer the actual salient question:

if he were to have had his arms out, would that save him from the penalty?
NO. ITS STILL HELMET TO HELMET level and can still get you ejected.

I’m advocating going low. You’re advocating head up. Which this is. Which can and will get you ejected just the same.

dumb. Rule.
Again. Try to answer the actual salient question:

if he were to have had his arms out, would that save him from the penalty?
NO. ITS STILL HELMET TO HELMET level and can still get you ejected.

I’m advocating going low. You’re advocating head up. Which this is. Which can and will get you ejected just the same.

dumb. Rule.

Yup. The defender clearly LOWERS his head going into the hit. Hence the 'CROWN' of his helmet making the initial contact missile style.

Since Mertz had already slowed 2 yds before the hit, the tackle could have been made a number of different ways. The way the defender chose to make contact (with his helmet) was 'intent'.


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Ok. Gotta get back to planning this fucking Tahoe trip with a bunch of can’t make up their mind babies. Will be back.
The defender didn't even try to make a tackle by definition.

He tried to blast Mertz into oblivion with a brute force missile attack. i.e. Intent

